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  1. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'Lovin my new touchpad'

    oh i guess a android port is out.. not doing it... seems really unstable
  2. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'Lovin my new touchpad'

    yeah the card system is fantastic, i have so many cards open android isnt out yet, touchscreen works, but i think a stable release is still a while away i heard it has dual boot though... cant wait for that @nathan, well there is a way to unbrick a touchpad, using webOS doctor, but depending...
  3. L

    Lovin my new touchpad

    So i got one of these last week, and im enjoying webOS so far. I had to do a lot of tweaks to make it fast however. It took me a good hour to update, install preware, OC'ed it and put on some patches. Its been running extremely fast since then . :D got some games on it... and flash works great...
  4. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'I just scored 2 HP touchpads 16gb :D'

    from what i heard these are gone and the place where i got it from share the same stock as macmall and they only had like 4000, those who got them in amazon will get cancelled hopefully that wont be the case for me :/
  5. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'I just scored 2 HP touchpads 16gb :D'

    it is, it more or less your last chance until newegg changes their price( they probably will soon, like tomorrow at the earliest) it'll be hard to get them after a while true, a laptop is better that this, but im only buying this because it works more as a ebook reader than my laptop will...
  6. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'I just scored 2 HP touchpads 16gb :D'

    i know how you feel... of course i wont be able to use it once it arrives anyways, i have to wait until school starts >_> oh forgot to mention, you get free 50 GB of storage from it sucks it cant do netflix though :/
  7. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'I just scored 2 HP touchpads 16gb :D'

    the place where i got it from (onSale via amazon) cancels orders if you get more than two per household.. TBH im still hoping mine doesnt get cancelled :/ so try two, and sell the other one, i've seen people who want it for 150-200(well at least in my area) if anything the price will go up...
  8. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'I just scored 2 HP touchpads 16gb :D'

    go get it now just checked, its 20$ shipping from what i heard, but its better than nothing
  9. L

    I just scored 2 HP touchpads 16gb :D

    if you guys already dont know HP is selling their touchpads really cheap(its a fire sale) i got two of them over amazon for 99 each plus shipping one of them is for myself which i will be using in school while the other one is for my dad which i think he wants to sell for profit if you guys...
  10. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'Why Sharing a Computer Sucks'

    to fix those ff problems just uninstall, google FF portable, and hide it somewhere where its hard to find, and use it when you need to and for a state ID, if you have a school id from the state, that works too usually
  11. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'my opinion on the 3DS'

    i highly suggest getting a case if it seems likely to break to you i heard the zelda cases are good, get one off ebay or something if you can and make sure you get a screen protector, but in some cases it might not be enough my hori screen protector has round marks underneath the place where...
  12. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'astrangeone reviews: The McRib'

    yup, the McRib was where they got that from i love McRibs, id eat them everyday if i can
  13. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'I love it when people think I'm hacking in a FPS.'

    best 6 minutes of my life spent i need to start playing TF2 soon
  14. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'Amazon Flashcart Fail'

    LOL who calls it a R FOR card?
  15. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'Work, pt. 2: Boobies.'

    im coming there... now... i want those pics too :P
  16. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'i finally ordered something from club nintendo :)'

    i'll be getting one soon, from what i heard its like soft.. i dont exactly know how to describe the material they used... i think its fake leather or something like that i also got the posters, cant wait for those damn 270 coins?i got 720 coins in a month... :P
  17. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'lol club nintendo'

    those took a day to appear for mine so if it doesnt work in like 3 days or something it's probably fixed am i supposed to get coins too if i buy virtual console games too? cuz i never got anything for those
  18. L

    lol club nintendo

    So i linked my 3ds to my club nintendo several times, trying to get those damn 40 coins next day i checked and i see this kinda weird, but i feel like this is going to get exploitable soon anyways first year of college is about to end for me... just one more final >_> hopefully i pass my...
  19. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'Insomnia?'

    change your sleeping patterns force yourself to sleep earlier a little bit a time first sleep at like 5:00, then sleep earlier like 30 minutes or something do it gradually if you think its because of something in your head then talk to someone about it, people will never know unless you speak out
  20. L

    Comment by 'L_o_N_e_R' in 'Acekard 2i or a new flashcard?'

    its hard to say if ever they make 3ds mode carts then it might start making those and dont support the older carts as much Although IIRC supercard suported their slot-2 carts for a long time, so if anything go for them if you want long term support
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