Search results

  1. I

    Hacking R4DS 1.11 firmware Download?

    Thanks mate!
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    Hacking R4DS 1.11 firmware Download?

    I thought that the official site was closed down? Or was that just the forum aspect of it? Thanks btw!
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    Hacking R4DS 1.11 firmware Download?

    Hey all. I was just wondering where I could download the R4ds's latest firmware. I searched but I couldn't find anything. I'm probably missing it somewhere but I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. Thank you!
  4. I

    ROM Hack A free PDF to txt converter

    Hey there. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience with converting pdf's to text files. There are no free ware ones that I could find and all the shareware ones only allow you to convert the first three pages of a document which is useless for me. There is one freeware one but it...
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    Hacking -SKIN- R4 Universe

    Not the greatest. I'm sorry. Like it's been said before, it's quite simplistic. Try to use some images from say or photobucket or something. I'm guessing that you are pretty inexperienced with image manipulation software. I may be wrong but whatever... just so you know, your...
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    ROM Hack Possible to extract 2D pictures from EBA?

    That would be cool. I'd be interested in that too.
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    Hacking R4 DS skins

    Download it here
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    Hacking Moonshel Help: Bookmarks (EZ-Lite IV)

    Nope, it still does not work. I'm giving up now... Unless some kind person who got it working would zip up all their Moonshell files and uploaded it to so I could use it that is
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    Hacking Cheap DS Skin Solution - Mad Catz Showcase

    I was considering getting that case but I feared that it would make the DS that much more bulkier. Does it make it a lot bigger?
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    Hacking Ebook Reader/Moonshell Question

    I'd appreciate that config file!
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    Hacking touch screen protector

    There are ones for like €1 at I doubt that they are great but at €1 and free shipping, you can't really complain.
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    Hacking what version ds has everyone got

    Version 7. My Wifi on homebrew doesn't work and I didn't realise until now, that it was because of the firmware version...
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    Hacking Moonshel Help: Bookmarks (EZ-Lite IV)

    So what are you saying? If I just transfer over those save files, they should work?
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    Hacking [NEW SKINS]EZ-flash IV

    [SKIN] Elite Beat Agents Enjoy and download it here; [SKIN] New Super Mario Bros. Download Link here: Enjoy!
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    Hacking Moonshel Help: Bookmarks (EZ-Lite IV)

    I was just wondering if anyone has gotten the bookmark function on Moonshell to work. It's just that I've taken to reading some e-books (legally via Project Gutenburg might I add) on my DS and its quite annoying having to remember a 6 digit number for when you return to read it. The function is...
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    Hacking Moonshell Help : Bookmarks

    I've tried it with 256kb save files aswell now. The result is the same: Failure
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    Hacking Moonshell Help : Bookmarks

    No joy... On opening Moonshell I get the following error: Bookmark initialize. Not support disk write function. Adapter = Ez-Flash4 SD I made 4 save files in the shell directory by copy and pasting another save file and then renaming it to bookmrk0.sav,bookmrk1.sav,bookmrk2.sav etc...
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    Hacking Moonshell Help : Bookmarks

    That simple, huh? Thanks for that. I'll try it out later. An e-hug for you if it works
  19. I

    Hacking Moonshell Help : Bookmarks

    I was just wondering if anyone has gotten the bookmark function on Moonshell to work. It's just that I've taken to reading some e-books (legally via Project Gutenburg might I add) on my DS and its quite annoying having to remember a 6 digit number for when you return to read it. The function is...
  20. I

    ROM Hack Nindows VistaDS

    It's a great idea. I would love to see some other hombrew incorporated into it though like others have already said. Colours would be nice and others aswell.
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: +2