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    Hardware GBA Micro to SP DIY Link Cable?

    sweet, thanks futaris
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    Hardware GBA Micro to SP DIY Link Cable?

    So I've got a buddy who's got an SP, and I only own a micro. We've been wanting to play together, but I've recently found out that the adapters between SP and micro don't exist anymore, anywhere. But I found this diagram: and so I realized that technically can't I just take a normal GBA...
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    Hacking EZ Flash IV NOR Memory (QUESTION)

    Thanks for the lengthy reply, appreciate it! That basically settles it.
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    Hacking EZ Flash IV NOR Memory (QUESTION)

    So I recently had to save a game to the NOR flash, and I was wondering if doing so forces the EZ Flash IV cart to use its battery. I mean, does storing games on the NOR flash use more battery than playing games of the mini SD? Where exactly are the games stored with the NOR flash, and what is...
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    Hacking SNES on EZ FLASH IV for GBA?

    Sweet, thanks!
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    Hacking SNES on EZ FLASH IV for GBA?

    Is there an emulator for SNES to put on an EZ FLASH that's running in a Game Boy Micro? I know its possible to play NES, but what about SNES? Thanks!
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    Hacking EZ Flash IV Tips, Suggestions, & Precautions?

    Awesome, thanks a million man!
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    Hacking EZ Flash IV Tips, Suggestions, & Precautions?

    Thanks for the tip! So if it were rechargeable, would I have to take it apart, take the battery out and recharge, then solder it back in or something? And, just double checking, if the battery dies, the cart still works (with no automatic save)?
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    Hacking EZ Flash IV Tips, Suggestions, & Precautions?

    So even if the battery does end up dying, I can play the game, soft rest and it'll still save? Can the cartridge be played if the battery dies? And thanks for the tip about the mini sd card. I was planning to use a microSD, but I think I'll try to get a hold of a miniSD.
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    Hacking EZ Flash IV Tips, Suggestions, & Precautions?

    So I ordered an EZ Flash IV of rhs 5 days ago (still waiting), and I was reading about the EZ Flash on the wiki here: EZFlash IV has a battery that it uses to save. When you save in game, it saves to a temporary memory, kept alive by this battery. If the battery dies, game functionality wont...
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    Hacking EZ Flash IV is being discontinued!

    Hey guys, are either of these sites any good for the EZ Flash? They don't seem to reliable: - - Both secure logos at the bottom of the pages are fake...
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