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  1. I

    Hacking how to fix neogamma r8 ios249 rev 19 dvd read error 1167

    hi i just want some help coz i've been playing my wii for a long time like 2 yrs i already softmoded it before i can play every games i downloaded and burned and yesterday i download the game The Last Story Japanese Version and at first i play it smoothly then all of a sudden it crashed and it...
  2. I

    Hacking neogamma r8 IOS249 (rev19)

    hi i just want some help coz i've been playing my wii for a long time like 2 yrs i already softmoded it before i can play every games i downloaded and burned and yesterday i download the game The Last Story Japanese Version and at first i play it smoothly then all of a sudden it crashed and it...
  3. I

    Hacking Need help with Neo Gamma

    Can someone help me i really want to play Monster Hunter tri/3 but when im pressing start game the screen will fade to black and start to beep so loud so i've tried to look for help and found out that i need a cios rev 19 to play it but the problem is when im installing the cios rev 19 im...
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: +2