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  1. P

    Hacking Acekard 2i not working on 1.4.1 DSi.

    Well, I've tried everything I could imagine, my Acekard 2i refuses to work with my 1.4.1 DSi. It just continues to tell me to insert game into game slot. I've tried unbricking it with the 1.4.1 updater on a DS and DSL using the DSL updater. I've tried upgrading it again. I've done the paper...
  2. P

    Hacking Can't set up iEDGE

    I've tried two different copies of 0363, no luck. I always format it with the TF flash given with the iEDGE. I've tried every possible way of trying to flash the card. Starting the DS in auto and manual and not touching anything and later just touching the health message and still nothing. The...
  3. P

    Hacking Can't set up iEDGE

    I've tried setting up my iEDGE for my DS Lite but just can't do it. I formatted the SD card, downloaded all the files necessary to set it up and bootstrapped the card. Then when I load it to my DS it gives me 2 white screens. I wait for the flashing to stop and then turn off my DS once it's...
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    Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo: +2