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  1. Wolfy

    Editorial 'The Judgment Collection' PC Impressions

    Looking forward to grabbing them after I have the money. From what I've seen from friends playing its a lot like Yakuza so just gives me more to look forward to, although Ishin coming out has me more excited.
  2. Wolfy

    Hot takes on well-liked games

    Agreed, imagine past games like Halo 3 where you could download new multiplayer maps that actually add to the games, or more recently Monster Hunter World and Rise where they add a whole new campaign to the game for less than the price of a new game.
  3. Wolfy

    EVGA is cutting ties with NVIDIA, will no longer make graphics cards

    Honestly this makes me pretty sad, but I understand EVGA's stance on things. Just never had an issue with their cards so thankfully the 3080 and 1080ti I got from them will probably last me a good 5 or more years granted no doomsday comes around.
  4. Wolfy

    PlayStation will be hosting a State of Play broadcast tomorrow

    Funny that this news was posted a little after Nintendo's Direct news :creep:
  5. Wolfy

    The company behind Denuvo launches its "Nintendo Switch Emulator Protection", claims to "solve" Switch piracy

    I'll give it two weeks before the first game gets cracked and able to be played on emulators.
  6. Wolfy

    Deck-building FPS 'Friends vs Friends' revealed

    Honestly I'm hyped for this, if its anything like ROUNDS it could be a lot of fun. They better not be putting in any insane grind for cards to unlock though.
  7. Wolfy

    Sonic Mania decompilation project completed and released

    Well done to those involved, and good luck to them in life on whatever they decide to do other than these projects! Thanks for all you've done :)
  8. Wolfy

    Retro console you want to buy next?

    Grabbing the Monster Hunter Edition PSP next, only problem is that its been stuck in customs for about a month and both the courier and eBay haven't gotten back to me. I fear the worst...that I ain't getting it :sad:
  9. Wolfy

    What browser do you trust and why? (privacy)

    Firefox...that is it, I have no reason other than its the one I've always used after Internet Explorer made me realize how bad it was.
  10. Wolfy

    Psychological thriller 'The Forest Cathedral' to launch this fall

    Honestly I thought that cover image was a I'm even more confused after watching that trailer.
  11. Wolfy

    How's your mental health?

    TL: DR I keep procrastinating my life away due to work and family, as friends are my escape and they help me escape from my issues that I've created by continually seeking to relieve the stress that I gain from everything I endure or create(issues). Although hopefully me living with my...
  12. Wolfy

    How's your mental health?

    I appreciate those words, but definitely feels like I keep wasting time with how I am now.
  13. Wolfy

    How's your mental health?

    Life is pretty good, any problems that crop up are usually due to my procrastination that I seem to never want to fix. If and when I fix that I'll be pretty good, but my ability to stick with things for long always seems to be forgotten which is the problem. If I just kept at it, that'd be one...
  14. Wolfy

    Rumble Roses HD Texture Pack

    Holy crap, I completely forgot Rumble Roses was a thing, looks good though! Nice work!
  15. Wolfy

    Post a picture of your desktop!

    I tend to have desktop icons disabled, but usually I switch out wallpapers every couple of weeks. Currently it's a Calvin and Hobbes wallpaper!
  16. Wolfy

    What are your favorite gaming experiences that are lost to time?

    Or just grab yourself a decently cheap CRT off Offerup in your area and be able to play again! Nothing's dead till people treat it as such
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