I was looking at your Save Nintendo Wifi site and I noticed that in terms of css styling it's pretty bare. If you add
"<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://netdna.bootstrapcdn.com/bootswatch/3.1.1/flatly/bootstrap.min.css">" to the head of your html docs and then add div class="container" to your <body> tags it would make it look so much better. No other work required. Anyway I think it's great stuff you're doing!
Me and a couple neighbors called in a wellness check on another neighbor we hadnt seen in days. His window was open for days, no lights on, no tv, door unlocked, etc. etc.
Cops found him in his closet. he had been in there for days with no food or water or going to the bathroom. Took him out on a stretcher. They said if we had waited another day hed most likely be dead. He was incredibly ill and hallucinating some leaves on his floor being "spider lobsters".