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  • Is Slime Morimori Dragon Quest is being worked on? And if not, would it be possible to release the translation to the public so someone could pick it up?
    Norm. AKAIO v1.8.9 on a HW81 card (its an old format, I'll admit), will soft-resets back to the root directory instead of the folder the .nds file was launched from. I'm sure you recall my ethics for testing, and I will dig out some equipment and test any future AKAIO updates if the need arises.

    Hope you are well.
    -Another World
    Thanks for all the work you have contributed! nice to see devs working hard on stuff :P
    Hello, I was going to ask if you have some insight for hooking into arm9 of the original DS to run a code patch. Mainly want to make a patch that can swap the screens on input of a button combo (the Address for that is only accessable through arm9 afaik.) If you are interested in helping, please PM me.
    Hello brother, I'm from the MetalMax 3 translation project. We are looking for someone with knowledge of assembler. Would you be interested?
    sir please continue your project on translating bomberman jetters in english, i love that game and i really want to play that in english, i always take time to look on the progress of your project in github, everyday im excited to see if you post a new update about that project, sir im begging you please dont stop the project, im here to support on your project, just tell me what help can i do, thank you so much sir
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