Recent content by mikochu

  1. M

    New: 1177 - Action Replay V.3.3 (F)

    is this even workable on flashcarts?
  2. M

    New: *BETA* Flashback Legend (E)

    OH SHIT! I had this game for Sega r0x0r'd. I used to play it all the time. I left my ezf-advance's linker at my apartment. I'm on vacation until the 22nd. Oh well, I guess I'll have to play it via emu until I get back...
  3. M

    New: 1082 - Jet Grind Radio (U)

    I've played a few levels while waiting between classes. It's pretty fun, but the controls take time to get used to. There is one problem I've stumbled upon. I have a EZF Advance 256mb flash cart, and during the "Monster of Kogane" level, it locked up twice. The first time happened at the...
  4. M

    New: 1082 - Jet Grind Radio (U)

    good stuff! I'll be playing it during class today...
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