@_Ruri_ Sorry, was playing and didn't notice. Well, it was just weird. I was what. 10? It was on tv and people were jumping like flies. It was something in another country so it didn't really affect me, but it was a powerful video.
Soon after there was also a local disaster where a bridge fell and cars were falling and people dying. It was a weird time when it came to disasters tbh.
I remember my grandparents were worried at first since my uncle had been there a few days before that disaster. Thankfully he had finished his meetings and returned to Zimbabwe when that disaster struck
@K3Nv3, Okay, thank you. I like asking about this kind of stuff, they don't exactly happen everyday and I think there's a lot to learn. It's... a bit sad seeing kids be happy about going home, but they're kids though so can't blame them. It still feels weird though.