Recent content by CtotheFoo

  1. C

    Hardware PSA: Gateway Is Making More Bricks

    Okay, thanks. I wasn't really going to use the 3DS emulation anyway but now I definitely won't touch it.
  2. C

    Hardware PSA: Gateway Is Making More Bricks

    Just curious, if I don't use this card for 3DS emulation, am I safe from GW bricking me?
  3. C

    Hacking NDSGBA Cheat file

    Hi. So i've been looking for a list of GBA cheats for the emulator for DSTWO. I would use the NDSGBA Cheat Maker, but I have a Mac and it doesn't work with Wine. I couldn't find anything on google, either. Help?
  4. C

    Hacking DSTWO USB not working

    My Lexar is working great right now.
  5. C

    Hacking Latest usrcheat.dat for DSTWO?

    I can't find it ANYWHERE. Help, please!
  6. C

    Hacking DSTWO USB not working

    I bought a 16 GB MicroSD with a Lexar Card Reader. Looks better then the one I had.
  7. C

    Hacking DSTWO USB not working

    I realized the photo upload failed. Trying again
  8. C

    Hacking DSTWO USB not working

    Hello. I got my DSTWO in the mail today, and I plugged it in and put all the needed software, and put it in my 3DS. However, when I went to use the USB again, it wouldn't work. Tried on 3 computers. MicroSD looks crooked in the USB. I am putting it in right, though, as i'm putting the SD in the...
  9. C

    Hacking Does anybody actually use flash carts for their legal purpose?

    I mainly use my flash cart for older games (GBA, GB, SNES, etc.). I don't have too many DS games on it. Although, to be completely honest, I have Pokemon Black 2 on it, because I didn't want to buy it.
  10. C

    Hacking Does anybody actually use flash carts for their legal purpose?

    If they are so "illegal", why are they sold? Why hasn't copyright laws in US/Canada and other countries banned them?
  11. C

    Tired of my Acekard. Ordered a DSTWO

    Tired of my Acekard. Ordered a DSTWO
  12. C

    Tired of my Acekard. Ordered a DSTWK

    Tired of my Acekard. Ordered a DSTWK
  13. C

    Gaming Ebay Vita

    If this is a real Vita, you guys are so lucky. ._.
  14. C

    Hacking Does anybody actually use flash carts for their legal purpose?

    Everyone I know uses it for games, including myself. How about you guys?
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