Recent content by BarışUncu

  1. BarışUncu

    Gaming Post your Switch Friend Codes!

  2. BarışUncu

    Gaming Wiiu Zelda Breath of the wild possibly Leaked already

    where do i put the tic and how do i install it
  3. BarışUncu

    Switch and Play

    Switch and Play
  4. BarışUncu

    Hacking How Can I Switch From Gateway To Cfw?

    Do I need to format it or can I just unlink it
  5. BarışUncu

    Hacking How Can I Switch From Gateway To Cfw?

    In a9lh guides faq page it says "Q:Can I keep my NNID? A: If you start with an NNID and follow every step, you will end up keeping your NNID at the end." so I'll just follow it and do I need to follow the guide that corresponds to my sysnand verion or emunand version
  6. BarışUncu

    Hacking How Can I Switch From Gateway To Cfw?

    Oh okay thanks again
  7. BarışUncu

    Hacking How Can I Switch From Gateway To Cfw?

    Great!, Thank you so much for your help man ^_^
  8. BarışUncu

    Hacking How Can I Switch From Gateway To Cfw?

    So, if I go with the second option I won't lose my eshop games attached to my nnid?
  9. BarışUncu

    Hacking How Can I Switch From Gateway To Cfw?

    1-Sysnand is on 4.5, but I am using emunand 2-Since I don't use the cheat menu I wouldn't care keeping it or not 2-I have my nnid attached to emunand(and I don't want to lose it since I bought many games with it)
  10. BarışUncu

    Hacking How Can I Switch From Gateway To Cfw?

    Well I'm already confused :D, Are the any pros or cons of using gateway alongside luma and what do you suggest I do
  11. BarışUncu

    Hacking How Can I Switch From Gateway To Cfw?

    Well, I've been using gateway for a while now but with the new pokemon game coming up I think it's time move on. My o3ds is on firmware 4.5.0 with emunand installed and I've downgraded my 3ds when I first bought my gateway. I am thinking about installing luma cfw and found this page online...
  12. BarışUncu

    Homebrew Official WUP Installer - Title installer + Firmware spoofing [3.x - 5.4.0]

    I spoofed my firmware to 5.5.1 using the wup installer now do I still need to block updates using tubehax because I can't access e-shop while blocking updates
  13. BarışUncu

    Hacking Australian 3DS XL downgrade confusion.

    Australian 3ds' have european firmware so you should use europen dg file
  14. BarışUncu

    Hardware Where to buy cheap Wii U ?

    wow i didnt know they were different us one looks much better :D
  15. BarışUncu

    Hardware Where to buy cheap Wii U ?

    Yeah you are right i might get a refurbished one from the nintendo store but they are currently out of stock i already decided buying a us one because of the cheaper games
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    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @Kirbydogs, no thanks I don't wanna destroy my 3ds