Recent content by aznmarvo

  1. A

    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    I actually tried Bannerbomb v1 and v2. Both of them have ended in black screens.
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    BUMP Still needs help in finding answer.
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    Changing the boot.dol to elf still gives me the same result. A black screen.
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    Umm.. Tried Bannerbomb v2 but it freezes. Does anyone actually know the answer to my simple question??? *treat this as a bump*
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    I would try bannerbomb v2 asap, but that won't be any time soon, cause I'm tired at the moment. Please come the support coming. Will updating through Nintendo brick my Wii is still my main question? Because I can just update and try the 4.2 hack.
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    ios16-64-v247-prod just stuffed everything up I guess, ever since I installed that wad I haven't been able to load many apps, including SSBB. *EDIT* It's a long story... Was being stupid, went through my random list of wads, thought one would work in order to run my backup loader.. Then Boom...
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    Oh because of the thing I installed, all I get is a black screen when it loads.
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    So is v2 suppose to work with system menu 4.1e? and also with v1 I've tried all of them before and they all froze my Wii except 1 so I think I can only use the one I got at the moment.
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    I'm no expert on the Wii, what is v2 may I ask?
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    I am not able to bannerbomb my Wii in any way at the moment, lol.
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    Can anyone clarify if it would brick or not?
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    Hacking Wii Black Screen Issue

    Ok... I have had an issue with my Wii. It's on system menu 4.1e. I firstly installed a wad, ios16-64-v247-prod. After I did this every time I tried to launch an app in HBC I get a black screen. Then I thought I should reformat it and see if it helped, but there was no success in that. I then...
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