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Waninkoko apps pack for Homebrew Channel 1.0

-- INTRO --This package contains the following WaninKoKo apps:* WAD Manager v1.0* Mii Extractor v1.1* Mii Installer v1.1* Savegame Extractor v2.0* Savegame Installer v2.0* WAD Installer v2.1* WAD Uninstaller v1.1For each app i created it's own icon.png and meta.xml.Each meta.xml is filled with information from it's own app readme.txt and the icon i created myself.Hopefully it saves you from a little bit of trouble. -- LATEST UPDATE --Added some more WaninKoKo apps, included the spanish readme's, fixed some minor text bugs and gave the app icons a little tweak.-- SMALL FAQ --Q: How do i install these apps on the Homebrew Channel?A: Please refer to the Homebrew Channel readme.txtQ: How do i create my own WaninKoKo icon?A: Checkout the folder /icon.psd. First install the font and then open up icon.psd!Q: Why did you include the WAD In-/Uninstaller as the WAD Manager is more superior?A: It's up to you to decide what you put on your SD card!Q: Why didn't you include WaninKoKo app X?A: I only included the apps i like ;]-- OUTRO --Credit goes to WaninKoKo for his awesome work.Visit his website at http://wii.waninkoko.infoThis package was uploaded at and last updated on 28-05-2008GrtZsparkle

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    CoolMe @ CoolMe: ^^😡