QUOTE(About)RobodromDS is a complete conversion of a game started on Amiga in 68000 code, the 3rd december 1992.The engin goal of Robodrom is to create a relatively complex game on eazy bases.The playground is composed of walls, doors and tiles ... Small autonomous robots, shaped tanks can roll over these tiles. The player's goal is to guide robots through multiple levels to join their arrival tile, symbolized by a closed hand whit inch-up. For this, it may put directional tiles, producing a trail for each robot.In addition to the 4-way, the player has 5 colours to select for wich robot is the designed tile. There are four colors to control each robot-tank, and a thith color for all. The current version is currently not playable. But the thing is not seen on the animated gif, or rather that is not hear, are the different music that my friends, of that time, had composed for this gameSo if you want hear pretty soundtracks, download the current version and have fun to find how to change music ...