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R4 Wood Save Converter 1.0

As R4 Wood have save type : (game name).nds.sav ,this converter convert from : (game name).sav to (game name).nds.sav . You can change save type by renaming save but with this converter you can chenge save type of many more saves(I don`t speak English so you can find here some spelling mistakes).
How to use it:
1. Copy file from .rar and paste it in floder (Let's call it ''R4 Wood Saves'' ).
2. Copy some save files ((game name).sav type) in the same floder with R4 Wood Save Converter(''R4 Wood Saves'' floder ).
3. Run R4 Wood Save Converter(after few seconds you will see what names of saves will be changed into (game name).nds.sav type).
4. Copy converted saves and put they in R4 Wood 1.04/1.05 fom SD Card.
5. Enjoy! ;)
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