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Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Plus

Hi, everyone, I would like to introduce an old game of mine, both games been out for quite sometime, but I haven't really introduce them to other websites, beside romulation. Now, I decided to change that by showing it off on gbatemp.These games are in patch files, meaning that you'll have to patch this to an freshly, clear extacted copy of Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl.I even took the liberty to make a small, incomplete walkthrough of my game. Update will come in the future. Right now, I'm working on a Platinum Version of this hack....Oh, yeah, before I start with the walkthrough, let me get this off my chest. Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Plus isn't actually a hack, I mainly focus on changin the Pokemon themselves. With new moveset, some pokemon types have been change or altered to my liking, making the game unpredictible and unsystematic. I've also slightly buffed up every Pokemon stats and changed a handfull of their special abilities. The story, the events, the dialog (for now) Are all the same from the orignal game. Dialga is on Diamond and the other one's on Pearl. I've succesfully edited every trainer on the game, ya know, with the exception of trainers who get stronger from the Vs. seeker rematches, I probably do that in the future. I also succesfully edited every pokemon that appear in the grass, the safari zone game, and honey tree...thing. If I had to make an estimate of how much I edited the pokemon that appear in the sea, I would give that probably a 65%. Oh, before I forget, I also succesfully edited the pokemon that can be capture by the fishing rods...sorry, but magikarp and tentacool are still the only pokemon that can pulled by the old rod, but the good rod, the pokemon that are pulled by that are completely random.Non-Native Legendary Pokemon can only be capture after defeating the elite four and champ. They can be found inside Turnback Cave, outside Stark Mountain, inside Stark Mountain, in random patches of grass within the 3 extra areas (surival, fight, resort) Inside Snowpoint Temple and last, but finally not least, Send Offspring (Grass and Water 'surfing')I also up-ed the gym leaders, rival, elite four and champ levels. I also think I up-ed the galatic commanders and boss level too, but it been along time since looked upon that. Anywho, the levels of pokemon the elite four and champion uses are now between lv63-71. Their pokemon also hold items that are usually found during wifi battle. I also did this with the gym leaders too, but not with Roark, a little bit too early!After you beat the game for the first time, the game get's extremely tough. The trainer's pokemon level's are ridiculously high, going to between lv68-71. And when you finally make it inside Stark Mountain, the trainer's pokemon level surpasses that of Cynthia. The wild Pokemon that appear inside there are also high...and Groudon live inside there too. And NO Buck's Pokemon don't help you...AT ALL, it's fainting every 24 secs even after I ampled it up to lv71!!!!! :nds: Now, for the walkthrough! :nds: Evolution Walkthrough The evolution solutionPoliwhirl evolves into Poliwrath by being exposed to the Water Stone. (Some wild water type might hold water stones) It evolves into Politoed by holding the Splash Plate and leveling up in sun light.Kadabra evolves into Alakazam by holding the Mind Plate and leveling up in sun light.Machoke evolves into Machamp by holding the Fist Plate and leveling up in sun light.Graveler evolves into Golem by holding the Earth Plate and leveling up in sun light.Haunter evolves into Gengar by holding the Spooky Plate and leveling up in moon light.Slowpoke still evolves into Slowbro at Lv 37, but evolves into Slowking by exposing it to the Water Stone.Onix evolves into Steelix by leveling up inside Mt. Coronet, if was possible to do this inside Iron Island, trust me...It would be there instead of here.Second verse, same as the first, Rhydon also evolves into Rhyperior by walking around and leveling up inside Mt. Coronet, and my opinion about the Iron Island thing remain the same.Seadra evolves into Kingdra by exposing it to the luring effects of the Water Stone.Scyther evolves into Scizor at Lv 42.Electabuzz evolves into Electivire by exposing it to the Thunder Stone.Magmar evolutionary condition is also similar to that of Electabuzz, just use the friggen Fire Stone on it, then presto, you have Magfatass.Don't worry all of Eevee evolutionary conditions are still the same, so no sweating when catching one in Eterna Forest.Porygon evolves into Porygon2 by successfully reaching Lv 38 and evolves into Porygon-Z by using the Dawn Stone on it.Oh yeah, but I forget, Gligar evolves into Gliscor by different conditions, just let it learn the attack Slash and should evolves. The reason I did this is, because bout time you obtain a Razor Fang, you'll basically already done with the game.Now, going straight to the Hoenn section, Kirla evolves into Gallade and Gardevior with two different conditions. When a male Kirla reaches Lv 30 it will evolve into Gallade and when a female Kirla reaches Lv 30 it will respectively evolves into Gallade's counterpart, Gardevior...It's just that simple, there shouldn't be a Gardevior with nads walking around, that just WEIRD, so that why I changed it this way.Just like in Ruby-Redux; Trapinch evolves into Vibrava at Lv 28 and into Flygon at Lv 40. I did that because Flygon is one of my favorite Pokemon.On a strange twist of faith, Feebas evolves by showing it the Dawn Stone and awakening the poor thing inner beauty...or some crap like that.Dusclops evolves into Dusknoir by exposing it to the Dusk Stone. Get it, Dusknoir...Dusk Stone...Alright, not funny.Okay...Moving on...Snorunt still evolves the same way so don't catch a female Snorunt, level it up to 40 and expect it to evolve into Froslass...Because it won't, it'll just turn into Glalie.Clamperl's condition is still the same as it was on Ruby-Redux, it evolves into both Huntail and Gorebyess, by respectively exposing them to either the sun or moon stone.Now, let's foray straight to the Sinnoh Section, which won't be very long...Really.Instead of the friendship crap, Budew evolves into Roselia at Lv 15, something the original programmers should of done.Ya know, I was like real close into making male Combee evolve into Beedrill, but changed my mine at the last second...Think I should of went through with it. Female Combee still evolve into Vespiquen, however.Ya know, I wasn't really never that fund of the friendship evolve thing, so I decided to make Chingling evolve into Chimecho with a moon stone.Buneary evolves into Lopunny at Lv 30, so no more with the friendship crap.Munchlax evolves into Snorlax, once reaching the Lv 30 mark.Riolu evolves into Lucario on Lv 30, as well.Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Azurill, Espeon, Umbreon Golbat and Togepi, all still evolve by friendship evolution Now, the Diamond Plus/ Pearl Plus Gym Leader WalkthroughBefore I start I guess I should tell you that some of the pokemon the uses various depending on what version of the revamp you decide to patch.Roark: Diamond Plus Lv14 Onix Lv14 Aron Lv15 Cranidos Roark: Pearl PlusLv14 RhyhornLv14 AronLv15 CraindosNot that much changed, right, well, basically every gym leader pokemon is swapped like this...Gardenia: Diamond Plus Lv21 Skiploom Lv22 Leafeon Lv24 RoseradeGardenia: Pearl PlusLv21 BayleefLv22 Leafeon Lv24 RoseradeMaylene: Diamond Plus Lv32 Riolu Lv34 Heracross Lv34 Lopunny Lv35 LucarioMaylene: Pearl PlusLv33 Farfetch'd (Why? Figure it out)Lv33 HeracrossLv34 Lopunny Lv35 LucarioCrasher Wake: Diamond PlusLv35 GyaradosLv35 LudicoloLv36 LanturnLv37 FloatzelLv38 EmpoleonHmm...I like this team, I think I'll keep it the same.Fantina: Diamond PlusLv41 DrifblimLv43 GengarLv43 MismagiusLv44 DusknoirThis team is unchange on Pearl PlusByron: Diamond Plus Lv45 Bronzong Lv44 Steelix Lv46 Bastiodon Lv48 AggronByron: Pearl PlusLv45 BronzongLv46 SkarmoryLv46 Bastiodon Lv48 AggronCandice: Diamond Plus Lv52 Abomasnow Lv50 Sneasel Lv52 Walrein Lv52 Glaceon Lv53 FroslassCandice: Pearl PlusLv51 Abomasnow Lv52 LaprasLv52 Walrein Lv52 GlaceonLv53 FroslassVolkner: Diamond Plus Lv56 Electabuzz Lv57 Luxray Lv58 Magnezone Lv57 Raichu Lv58 Jolteon Lv59 Electivire (With Earthquake/Ice Punch...Think you can handle that? This applies to both Diamond/Pearl Plus)Volkner: Pearl PlusLv56 ElectabuzzLv58 LuxrayLv56 ElectrodeLv58 RiachuLv58 JolteonThe starter off of Diamond Plus The starter off of Pearl PlusTurtwig, Chimchar, and Piplup Chikorita, Torchic, and Squirtle The Rival off of Pearl Plus will always pick Totodile (Cuz I like Totodile) Right now, I'm currently working on a Platinum Version of this, it should be ready...hopefully before the end of the year...I'm up to Gardenia now...I'm gonna try to add new dialog in this one, using thenewpoketextUp next: The Galactic Battle Walkthrough, Rival Battle Encounter, Elite Four; Plus Cynthia Walkthrough, and Items Wild Pokemon holdAnd now, today's walkthrough updateYo, I'm back, with more walkthrough about my two games. Alright, I guess I start with the Galactic Battle Commanders/Boss battle encountering. I should first state that the Pokemon the Galactic Commanders use are the same on both Diamond Plus/Pearl Plus. Galactic Battle WalkthroughBattle 1: Vs Commander Mars Lv14 Tangela Lv15 Luxio Lv17 Purugly Battle 2: Vs Commander Mars Lv48 Tangrowth Lv47 Luxray Lv46 Drapion Lv49 Purugly Battle 3: Vs Commander MarsLv55 LuxrayLv56 TangrowthLv54 Drapion(She puts up Purugly?! Battle with Jupiter)Battle 1: Vs Commander JupiterLv21 SnoruntLv22 Mawile Lv21 PoliwhirlLv23 SkuntankBattle 2: Vs Commander JupiterLv54 PoliwrathLv56 FroslassLv55 Skuntank(This is when she teams up with Mars on Mt. Cornet)Battle 1: Vs Commander Saturn Lv44 Kadabra Lv46 LickitungLv46 ToxicroakLv47 KangaskhanBattle 2: Vs Commander SaturnLv51 AlakazamLv50 KangaskhanLv49 ToxicroakLv52 LickilickyLv50 GranbullBattle 1: Vs Galactic Boss Cyrus (Diamond/Pearl Plus)Lv50 SneaselLv52 UrsaringLv53 HonchkrowLv52 HoundoomBattle 2: Vs Galactic Boss Cyrus (Pearl Plus)Lv57 HonchkrowLv56 UrsaringLv56 MagnezoneLv56 HoundoomLv57 WeavileBattle 2: Vs Galactic Boss Cyrus (Diamond Plus)Lv57 HonchkrowLv56 UrsaringLv55 ProbopassLv56 HoundoomLv57 WeavileWow, this walkthrough thing is sorta fun, I should of been wrote one along time ago...Moving on!Before I start I should info youse guy that just like the gym leaders the Pokemon the Elite Four uses various on what game you picked, or whatever. Not every member have a new pokemon just...two. Elite Four WalkthroughDiamond/Pearl Plus: AaronLv61 NinjaskLv62 FlygonLv61 VespiquenLv62 VenomothLv63 ArmaldoDiamond Plus: Bertha Lv62 Camerupt Lv64 Swampert Lv63 Sandslash Lv65 Rhyperior Lv64 Hippowdon Pearl Plus: BerthaLv62 CameruptLv64 SwampertLv63 ClaydolLv65 RhyperiorLv64 HippowdonDiamond Plus: Flint Lv64 Ninetales Lv65 Flareon Lv65 Arcanine Lv67 Magmortar Lv66 Infernape Pearl Plus: FlintLv64 NinetalesLv66 FlareonLv66 ArcanineLv67 MagmortarLv66 BlazikenDiamond Plus: Lucian Lv65 Grumpig Lv67 Espeon Lv67 Metagross Lv66 Starmie Lv68 Gallade Pearl Plus: LucianLv66 GrumpigLv68 EspeonLv66 MetagrossLv67 SlowkingLv69 GalladeDiamond/Pearl Plus: Sinnoh Region Champion: CynthiaLv68 SpiritombLv70 TogekissLv70 UmbreonLv69 Porygon-ZLv70 GardevoirLv71 GarchompCan't find the Plates needed to make your Pokemon Evolve? Well, here's a list of EVERY PLATE location NEEDED to achieve evolution.The Earth Plate can be found inside Oreburgh Gate. Go north up the path, then follow around and take the stairs to the basement. Surf to the far left of the cave and use Strength to get to the Pok
Twanny Bizzle-Th
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  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    no, I'm asking which one of them you are using
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    in that case, there is no such thing as homebrew launcher for aroma
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    you have to launch your homebrews directly from the wii u menu
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    there is a plugin that display them on the wii u menu, pretty sure it is enabled by default
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    so like it doesnt exist
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    it doesn't exist, at least not for aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    on tiramisu you can access it by opening mii maker
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    it is L+dpad down+ select
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    yes, now I remember it
  • NinStar @ NinStar:
    then it is working, I also don't like that they did this but it is the only option you have if you are using aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
  • crafthp434 @ crafthp434:
    thanks btw
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Im downloading fallout 3 goty edition
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm downloading more ram for my hamster pc
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    New hamster PC, with anal operation and BT connectivity!
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after
    the player dies?
    Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty: @BigOnYa, How do I make enemies respawn on gdevelop after the player dies?