This is an easy, Xdelta patch for the game Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (the American version). This fix comes from the hex editing fix for this game (I converted to Xdelta). You will need an Xdelta UI and the clean ROM for Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days.Instructions:1. Click the Download button below.2. After downloading, extract the ZIP file to your desktop.3. Click the extracted file.4. Click "xdeltaUI" (without quotes).5. The Xdelta UI pop up. If you see "Patch" (without quotes) click "Open" (without quotes) beside the first box. Then click "Kingdom Hearts 358-2 Days.xdelta" (without quotes), and then click "Open" (without quotes).6. If you see "Source File" (without quotes), click "Open" (without quotes) beside the second box, look for the clean ROM of Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, and click "Open (without quotes).7. If you see "Output" (without quotes), click "..." (without quotes) button beside the third box. Type "Kingdom Hearts 358-2 Days.nds" (without quotes) and click "Save" (without quotes).8. Now, click the Patch button. Wait for about one minute, and then it's done. Drag and drop the patched ROM to the root of your microSD card.Enjoy!