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Greyscale for R4/M3

Like it or hate it, have another skin!I think I'll just let the readme do the talking about this.CODEMinimal. Basic. Greyscale.This skin is intended for R4 and M3 Simply carts. In the skin folder, alternate logo images are includedso that a user may display his own flashcarts logoinstead of the skin name.-= v Releases v =--- Release 1 | 08/04/07 --I do not own an R4/M3 so therefore this skinhas not been tested. There will likely be a secondrelease since there could be a problem with it.-= ^ Releases ^ =-Files belongs to AshuraZro but any user is free andwelcome to edit the images and cfg in almost any way as long as I am credited for the original files in anyincluded documentation.The only way that I wish for this skin to NOT be editedis that I do not want any one slapping their namesomewhere in these images. I did not do it because Iconsider it to be shoddy and I dislike it when otherpeople do this. It's a skin, not a name tag.This skin is intended for GBAtemp. If you are going toupload this skin to another location, please do not addor remove files. Including this readme.Not copyrighted in any way 2007 :DP.S. Dirtie is 7Wasn't that a fine read?

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