DSTWO Comic Book DS plugin. Copy both files to _dstwoplug along with the NDS file (make sure its named ComicBookDS.nds).
Copy all other files in the Comic Book DS folder into a folder "cbds" on the root of your card.
If you don't like this version of the plugin, why not try CannonFoddr's version? You can find it at http://filetrip.net/f11464-DSTwo-ComicbookDS-Plugin-1-0.html
Copy all other files in the Comic Book DS folder into a folder "cbds" on the root of your card.
If you don't like this version of the plugin, why not try CannonFoddr's version? You can find it at http://filetrip.net/f11464-DSTwo-ComicbookDS-Plugin-1-0.html