--------------------------------------------------------------------------------How to use DSoric :--------------------------------------------------------------------------------YOU MUST PATCH THE NDS FILE WITH THE DLDI PATCH BEFORE USING IT. You must patchthe nds file with the drivers compatible with your linker.Unzip DSoric.nds from the DSoric.zip archive in a directory of your flash / (micro) SD / MMC card.Put your tap files where you want. That's all, DSoric can now be execute !When the emulator starts, click on the tape to choose a file. you use Up/Down to select a file, then use A to load it. Controls : * Keyboard with stylus * Direction pad : the direction keys ... * A : A key * B : B key * X : CONTROL key * Y : SHIFT key * X + Up and Down direction keys : screen move when the resolution is normal * R : CONTROL key * L : SHIFT key * START : Enter key * SELECT : Space keyYou can click on the DSoric logo to have the options menu.The option menu allows you to : - do a RESET of the emulator - switch between the Oric 1 / Oric atmos (RESET of the emulator !) - rewind the tape to the desired position (a tape file must be select) - save / restore the emulator state - save the keyboard configuration (a tape file must be select) - dsend a report to portabledev regarding the emulation (a tape file must be select) To load a file, click on the tape, choose a TAP file and tap afterCLOAD " and ENTER on the Oric keyboardSaves with the CSAVE command are going in the K7SAVE.TAP file