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DS2 Plugin Linker 0.3b

DS2 Plugin Linker can create a shortcut file to load a specified NDS file.

this allows you to use plugins that exist outside of the _dstwoplugin folder.


Create an INI file in your "_dstwoplug" folder called "linker.ini"

Create your links like so:

[link 1]

[link 2]


Run "DS Plugin Linker.exe"
Type the line number of the INI file you wish to load from
Click "Create" and save the NDS file as whatever you want.

In the INI file, autoboot is used in conjunction with DSGAME to allow you to autoboot into the specified folder. This has some issues that I haven't worked out yet, and may take some adjusting of the path to get working correctly. I can verfiy that it does work when set up correctly.
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