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Combox 1.4

Lilou box is a complete communication box for your DS. It allows you to transfer files with different protocols : FTP and HTTP. It allows you to download or upload files on your private network or on Internet.Lilou HTTP allows you to explore files over internet (similar to your file explorer on your PC). With this, you can download your files, favourite homebrew, video on your ds without extracting your card, micro DS.Lilou FTP allows you to run either a FTP server a FTP client on your DS. With this, you can download your music sound, video on your ds without extracting your card, micro DS
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  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @DemiV, Huh, he definitely made a good job, it's the perfect controller to hold for my hands. A bit on the heavier side though.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Wouldn't a ps controller be more comfortable for small hands
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    @K3Nv3, Hmm, it would be but the thumb stick is way too far and I have to stretch my finger to reach it and it's a bit uncomfortable
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Xbox stick is in the perfect location though and this basically sold be the entire controller
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Compared to the og Duke controller
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Wait I was talking about modern controllers lol, never tried the og but I'm curious to see how big it'd be in my hands lol
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Even DS4 shouldn't be that far apart
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Original PS controller (both with or without sticks) is absolute perfection
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    I don't think I'll ever find a more perfect controller to hold
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    DS3 triggers were garbage
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Never had a PS3
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Doesn't look much different from the PS2 controller at least in pictures
  • _Ruri_ @ _Ruri_:
    Aside from a few buttons
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    They had a spring back function that always felt too slippery
  • D @ DemiV:
    yeah it was a pretty straight forward iteration on the dualshock 1/2 compared to 4 and the dualsense.
  • D @ DemiV:
    aside from the sixaxis motion and aforementioned queer triggers.
  • MysticStarlight @ MysticStarlight:
    Nintendo is discontinuing Gold Points on March 24th, 2025
  • MysticStarlight @ MysticStarlight:
    What a shame
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    Also the hell does q u e e r t r i g g e r s mean
  • D @ DemiV:
    queer, like odd or unusual... the ds3's triggers.
  • D @ DemiV:
    or it could be a sexual awakening? i mean, i like ps3 as much as the next guy but....
  • D @ DemiV:
    too bad about the gold points though. you have to imagine there's some new loyalty thing for switch 2, but why would they keep plat points?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Lol way to trigger some sensitive Willie's
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    For MMO's I recommend the Redragon Impact series.
    Skelletonike @ Skelletonike: For MMO's I recommend the Redragon Impact series.