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AKAIO Custom Homebrew Icons 1

05/29/11 - Long overdue!...updated almost every icon for a more slick look (iMenu, bagplug styley).
Reorganized folders. WIP =P

If you run homebrew on your Acekard like I do, then I'm sure you've noticed that a lot of them don't have their own icon (or one that's just plane fugly).So, I thought I'd put AKAIO's custom homebrew icon feature to the test, and made a grip of bad-ass teeny tiny pictures that replace the boring, generic default icon.To use these, rename the .bmp to correspond with your .nds fileand place both files in the same directory...these dont go in the icon folderIncluded here are icons for;Emulators:AemioDA(Arcade), Atari2600, ColecoDS, Genesis, MarcaDS(Arcade), MiniVmac,NeoGeo, NES, SegaMaster, SNES, GBA_ExpLoader Homebrew Ports:1942, 1943, GreenBeret, Asteroids, DragonsLair, Flashback,JNKPlat, Lemmings, Pac-Man, SpaceInvaders, Starquake, Tyrian, WarhawkHomebrew Games/Apps:[Protein]DScratch, Colors, DSdictionary, FractalJunkie, SamplingKeyboard, TicTacToe,WordFind, WorldOfSand, X-WorDS, Animanatee, DSGoo, ErikTheViking, SciFiCollection(w/HHGttG)3DShooter Ports:Duke3D, Hexen, Quake, Quake2, RiseOfTheTriad, Wolfenstein, DoomMedia Players/Internet Apps:Bunjaloo, DSFTP, DSHobro, DSorganize, IRCDS, Moonshell, SakuraGame Alts:LineRider, RRTVParty, SWSnowboard, SomaBringer(translation), GeoWarsIf you have an icon request, put it in 'comments' or at the topic thread

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