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lately I've trying to figure things out for myself. I've recently got over a crush that I had and because of it. I've been thinking a lot more about my life. My close friend told me i need to be more open to others otherwise I'll never find happiness and what not. I'm generally not depressing but at times (The past 7 Months) i have been. I'm 16 and my childhood years are running out. Everyone in my family is religious, I'm atheist but at times i find myself questioning religion. Also what is it called if you don't believe in race? I generally don't care what race anyone because everyone is human. I also think i have misanthropic characteristics. I don't like society and how its run and i don't really like those around me at times i find it hard to stomach classroom discussions yet i try my hardest to fit in. Maybe its all just low self-esteem? Anyways on Monday i have to take the ACT. Anyone got any pointers? is it a hard test and what not? The only portion I worry about is math. I struggled all through algebra and geometry and i have took trig yet. So any idea's will help.


Mmhmm. Teenagers. :/

Well, for starters, the reason they are called crushes, are because they are meant to hurt. Generally once everyone moves out of Highschool, crushes become less common because most people actually start to care.

Next, don't give religion the knock just yet. Not only can the practice a light in the dark, but can also be a bridge over a rift. I mean, I don't know what religion you follow (I don't even care lol), but when I find myself questioning why this or that happened, I can just look at what I believe in, and not only move on, but not mourn or lament. I have gotten through several issues in my life with belief alone.

Race is a misconception. We are all human. We are all flesh and blood (and some robotics). Not only are we all born the same way, but we all reproduce the same way. There are very little differences other than aesthetic and wanton flaws.

ACT, I cannot advise or comment on. Although, the best way to learn is to experience. Right?

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