SC DSONE sucks ass!

I bought the DSONE a few months ago, it seemed totally cool when I first used it, in comparison to my old supercard SD.
It had all those cool features like RTS and realtime cheats but what bugged me the most was the slow-as-hell GUI.Isn't it about time they revamped it?
Those guys only care about the cash and not us the customers.
Lastly, isn't it about time they released an update, they haven't released one since, what? 3 months ago or something?
I would prefer a low budget acekard 2 or an iTouch, next time I won't go with supercard products, I suggest you to do the same.

I would have posted that in their forums but it's not worth the time since I'd only get some stupid engrish replies.



Heh, I still use my Scds1 from time to time, but most of the time I use my Acekard 2 :wub:

The main reason why I don't use it isn't because the GUI is laggy, it's just because I have a Scds1 v2 which doesn't support SDHC.
So it sucks ass because the gui sucks ass?
I won't deny it sucks but the card has one of the most dedicated teams behind it and the best features. Second only to the CycloDS Evolution.

If the GUI bothers you so much then why don't you use the triple-loader?
[quote name='Xcalibur' post='1501256' date='Oct 28 2008, 11:18 PM']So it sucks ass because the gui sucks ass?
I won't deny it sucks but the card has one of the most dedicated teams behind it and the best features. Second only to the CycloDS Evolution.

If the GUI bothers you so much then why don't you use the triple-loader?[/quote]
The features are good, I won't deny that, but they should have spent some time making the gui faster to browse with long time ago...that's just my opinion.
[quote name='Noitora' post='1501263' date='Oct 28 2008, 10:21 PM'][quote name='Xcalibur' post='1501256' date='Oct 28 2008, 11:18 PM']So it sucks ass because the gui sucks ass?
I won't deny it sucks but the card has one of the most dedicated teams behind it and the best features. Second only to the CycloDS Evolution.

If the GUI bothers you so much then why don't you use the triple-loader?[/quote]
The features are good, I won't deny that, but they should have spent some time making the gui faster to browse with long time ago...that's just my opinion.
Then just use YSMenu or TTMenu with it, they're lightning fast :)

I've became used to the laggy menu... btw, it's pretty to see, so I try to live with it. Oh well, a faster menu wouldn't be bad.
Of all the flashcarts I've used, the SCDS1 is by far my least favorite. In addition to the horrible, slow interface (I hate Moonshell), most of the features that make it stand out are implemented poorly.

It had an in-game text viewer before the Evo did, but you have to convert the text before you can use it, the converter seems to remove all formatting, making ascii maps and such unusable, and the font is so big you can only see a tiny bit of text on screen at once.

It is the only cart that lets you turn individual cheats on or off during gameplay, but it requires you to compile the cheats into a seperate file for each game, it only lets you see the first 14 characters of the cheat name, and the tools that are available for converting a real cheat database for use on the SCDS1 do not work well, so you pretty much have to go and set up each cheat file yourself.

THEY WON'T FIX THE GODDAMN SAVE NAMES!!! It always uses DOS filenames for the saves it generates, so instead of easily readable filenames that match the roms, you get GAMEXY~1.sav. This is not good if you have more than one game in a series on your cart at once. If you had all three Castlevania games on your memory card at once, and you don't have the rom numbers in the filenames, the save filenames would be CASTLE~1.SAV, CASTLE~2.SAV and CASTLE~3.SAV, numbered in the order of their creation

You can get around this by using the DSTT menu or YSmenu, but if you do that you won't have any of the features you bought the SCDS1 for in the first place, so you would have been better off getting a DSTT for $10 instead.

The only thing it really has going for it is the fact that so far, the Supercard team has not abandoned any of its old products.
I don't really care about the GUI, how long do I use it for...? If you hate it that much just use the DSTT menu. Not hard.
there was a thread on the official forum were the sc team said they would not fix any of the problems with the scdsone
save names
ete ete

so i bought a cyclods after having scdsones's for 18 months & ive never looked back (cyclods FTW)
[quote name='Noitora' post='1501230' date='Oct 28 2008, 09:12 PM']It had all those cool features like RTS and realtime cheats but what bugged me the most was the slow-as-hell GUI.Isn't it about time they revamped it?
Those guys only care about the cash and not us the customers.
Lastly, isn't it about time they released an update, they haven't released one since, what? 3 months ago or something?
I would prefer a low budget acekard 2 or an iTouch, next time I won't go with supercard products, I suggest you to do the same.

I would have posted that in their forums but it's not worth the time since I'd only get some stupid engrish replies.


Oh god help you should you have to wait 20 seconds for a game to start! It's still faster than physically swapping carts so it's fine.
Yea, that's why they actually keep updating the slot 2 solutions. Right?
What games aren't working then? Pretty much everything seems fine on mine.
Good for you?

So in conclusion you just thought you'd bitch on a forum where there's no chance of having them respond than put up with non-native english speakers?

Cool story brah.
[quote name='Carnivean' post='1501365' date='Oct 28 2008, 05:58 PM'][quote name='Noitora' post='1501230' date='Oct 28 2008, 09:12 PM']It had all those cool features like RTS and realtime cheats but what bugged me the most was the slow-as-hell GUI.Isn't it about time they revamped it?
Those guys only care about the cash and not us the customers.
Lastly, isn't it about time they released an update, they haven't released one since, what? 3 months ago or something?
I would prefer a low budget acekard 2 or an iTouch, next time I won't go with supercard products, I suggest you to do the same.

I would have posted that in their forums but it's not worth the time since I'd only get some stupid engrish replies.

Oh god help you should you have to wait 20 seconds for a game to start! It's still faster than physically swapping carts so it's fine.
Yea, that's why they actually keep updating the slot 2 solutions. Right?
What games aren't working then? Pretty much everything seems fine on mine.
Good for you?

So in conclusion you just thought you'd bitch on a forum where there's no chance of having them respond than put up with non-native english speakers?

Cool story brah.
20 seconds? :huh: More like 3-5 seconds.
If you use a "Giant Monster" to fight another with a "Little Monster", who is going to win!?
Set SCDS1 instead of "Giant Monster"
Set ANYother flashcart instead of "Little Monster"
Set WHATEVER Supercard offers to you -in comparison to other flashcart companies- instead of "fight"

care about the cash and not us the customers -> I own SC flashcarts since 2005. ALL WORK and are Updated.
some countable -with the fingers of 1 hand- negatives... but SoO! MANY & UNcountable Positives:
slow skin -> the only 1 negative
no updates? -> Ha,Ha,Ha :lol: !!! Who need thems. SCDS1 RARELY needs updates. Check its compatibility...
20 s load time is just fake (check your memory card first!)-> 5 s is the maximum
Cheats Codes -> Not the best point but it is really good
In Game Guide -> Very Helpful
compatibility /w homebrew -> 1 of the Best
compatibility /w roms -> BEST
On the fly Skin Change -> Not a common feature for other flashcarts
Real Time Save -> UNIQUE & Extremely Helpful
price? -> Cheap enough to compete the others

You can Be a Winner... ;) Just give it a try... :yayds:

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  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    thats close to me, just above freezing, 35f
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Been around 15F
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    happy Vday btw everyone
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @K3Nv3, Did you get your left hand anything special this year?
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @BigOnYa, Did you give Ken a valentines gift this year?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    yea, ancientboi gonna personally deliver it to him later today for me.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    I read that as penetrate.
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Probably wasn't wrong.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    He got me uremum but even the post office couldn't return to sender
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @SylverReZ, Did you get your ring from realtime?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Glad you two gave each other your yearly ballsmackaroos for the year
  • T @ Texasauras:
    bro, did you get "detained" by gbatemp lmaoo
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Texasauras, Ah, did you figure out what emulation console to get after that thread from a year ago?
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    The Anbernic RG35XX is what I would recommend if you're aiming for a handheld. They only cost around 35 bucks and has an IPS screen. :D
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Damn I asked a Walmart worker for something and they helped me find it for once told their headboss to make that guy a supervisor
  • Cranesbill @ Cranesbill:
    Valentines Day. Should I be :( or should I be pessimistic
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    I've been single for nearly 10 years now. Now I just enjoy all the failed valentine dates others have. z.z
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    It's okay we all watch porn
  • ValentDs @ ValentDs:
    damn skelle... my name is valentine and i had dentist today xd
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I'm gonna try to do that today also but gotta check my benefits
  • Skelletonike @ Skelletonike:
    Did the dentist have fun with the drill?
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    He gets paid to drill on valentines day so has a better life style
  • Imancol @ Imancol:
    Imancol @ Imancol: hello