
I'm so jealous of my Grandma... She got a Wii for her birthday, and then she went out and bought a Wii Fit... :cry:

I want one! *pouts*

Oh well, I'll just use her Wii the whole time I'm at her house... MUEHEHEHEHE


[quote name='BoneMonkey' post='1166292' date='May 24 2008, 10:40 PM']i thought you left ?

and i call bullshit[/quote]
No bacon for you! *takes your bacon away* I'll go give it so some homeless people.
[quote name='BoneMonkey' post='1166300' date='May 25 2008, 02:44 PM']giving bacon to homeless ppl is a waste they have no teeth to chew with[/quote]

Why is it people have to feel so superior on the internet, when in reality they are most likely losers in real life? You don't need to be hostile towards other to feel important. Being nice to someone works too.
i think people are just annoyed that you keep posting 'blog related' issues in the testing area and general offtopic forums
Yeah, tinymonkeyt got a point here.

Posting threads in wrong forum are making extra work for moderators into correcting the placement of the threads and deleting spam. Believe me being a moderator is very hard work and remember they doesn't get paid here. :)

I hate blog too but it'll make their life much easier if you post blog-related topics into blog.

Thought you was leaving?
Everyone asks me, "I thought you were leaving?"... I made it clear why I came back, but someone on this thread told me that I will just get flamed for telling people why, so I decided to delete that post....
Well, you was so determined that you wouldn't be coming back so I admit I was surprised to see you back. :) Well, welcome back! :D
Thanks... I was determined, but I realized that, I shouldn't let someone else make me feel bad. I don't care if people don't like it. They can bite me for all I care.
Start making more contributive posts in topics that aren't about you. You wouldn't want to come off as a shitty gimmick poster, would you?

Also we have another useless message board without rules, it's blogs~
Although testing area's about the same thing with a different theme~
Half the time, I don't know where to post... I'm not going to post threads anymore, unless it's something to do with games.

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