Dsi hate over a GBA slot?

Okay, well as most of you know, the DSi is coming out, it has two (Horrible-ish) cameras, it has DSi-ware, which might be a HUGE plus. It has bigger screens, which i like. And it even has more RAM and CPU apparently (Have no clue what CPU really does but i know what RAM does!) and then, everyone seems to say, WAIT A MINUTE. . . WHERES MAH GBA SLOT?!

This is where i get completely confused. Why are you people obsessing over a simple GBA slot? the DS is a new system, and I'm not sure if you understand me when i say this, but the DS is a DS, not a GBA DS hybrid creature that was made in a laboratory. the DS was made to play DS games, not GBA games. it only includes backwards-compatibility because well, thats nintendos handhelds for you (since GBA stopped playing game boy games after i think SP?) i guess my opinion is different mainly because i never played the GBA that much, i was still playing (And losing the cartridge) Pokemon Blue/Silver.

And then, a lil off topic, people are complaining about stretched pixels because the screens bigger? Correct me if I'm wrong(really, I'm just blogging, not researching), but weren't the DS lites screens bigger than the DS Phat? i don't remember people complaining about those stretched pixels. Also, those who emulate old games on the computer, do you change the window size? Because that stretches the pixels out (At least on most emulators)

Thats all i have to say, i never said my opinion whether the DSi was better or not, I am simply wondering, why the hell are people complaining about it? And like most people say

-End Rant.


It's because the DS Lite is better and still has a GBA slot.
i don't care much about the gba slot either, i just care about the battery life and thats why im not getting one ^^
[quote name='War' post='1878005' date='Apr 5 2009, 12:03 AM']It's because the DS Lite is better and still has a GBA slot.[/quote]
You should have defended your argument better, Why is it better? what defines 'better' when it comes to a handheld? the screen size? Its design specifications, what?
Also, didnt you read my rant on the GBA slot? lol. If you have GBA games, you should have a GBA, and if not, then why would you buy GBA games so late?
Reason I'm not getting a DSi is because it's just a Ds Lite with 2 cameras and an sd slot.
i think that people like having their gba games+ds games in one system, but for the lite i think its a bit dumb coz it sticks out on the bottom unless your using an ezflash or something
its cuz the dsi is a pathetic attempt to further milk the ds market, instead of giving us a new handheld!

Backwards comparability is a big plus for any system.

Why else play GC on a Wii?

Or PS1 on PS2?

or PS2 on PS3?

Means you have more games to choose from.
There is no way, shape, or form that the DSL is better than the DSi other than the GBA port.
The DSi fixes the shoddy D-pad and doesn't have the same L or R button problems.
The SD card slot might allow it to run Virtual Console or WiiWare or even DSWare.
This can lead to more homebrew or

Nostalgia aside, the only real problem I see with the DSi is if people want to play games like
Guitar Hero - No frets
Pokemon - PALPARK or Insertion pokemon

That aside, they're two different things.
I feel people are getting too butthurt about all the new features and want to justify their reason on keeping an old DSL.
I won't be getting a DSi because I don't have the money to and would like to see a key title before investing in one.

I don't have GBA games and I have a GBA Player for my GC if I really wanted to.
That doesn't mean I don't know where you people with the GBA argument are coming from.
The DSi receives too much hate and I feel like lack of a GBA slot is the reason.
Other than homebrew, I feel like there's no reason not to keep an old SP/GBA.
[quote name='Diablo1123' post='1878056' date='Apr 5 2009, 02:20 PM']Backwards comparability is a big plus for any system.

Why else play GC on a Wii?

Or PS1 on PS2?

or PS2 on PS3?

Means you have more games to choose from.[/quote]LOL not for alot of people you cant.
[quote name='Balrogs.Pain' post='1878000' date='Apr 5 2009, 12:01 AM']This is where i get completely confused. Why are you people obsessing over a simple GBA slot? the DS is a new system, and I'm not sure if you understand me when i say this, but the DS is a DS, not a GBA DS hybrid creature that was made in a laboratory. the DS was made to play DS games, not GBA games. it only includes backwards-compatibility because well, thats nintendos handhelds for you (since GBA stopped playing game boy games after i think SP?) i guess my opinion is different mainly because i never played the GBA that much, i was still playing (And losing the cartridge) Pokemon Blue/Silver.[/quote]
its not a simple gba slot
with its removal everything from the gba era has now been blocked, and there were a lot of great games
instead nintendo put in a camera, the same exact camera quality my free cell phone has...
what a great trade off :rolleyes:

gba still played GB games with the SP, I have no idea about the micro though...
I don't like it because it is nintendo trying to be sony by adding semi-useless features. I've been looking and haven't seen any game that actually uses the camera. No dsiware that actually seems worth the price. It just seems like they aren't doing anything do but putting the ds in a shinier case while being able to do some new tricks while losing old ones.
[quote name='Joe88' post='1878168' date='Apr 5 2009, 01:03 AM'][quote name='Balrogs.Pain' post='1878000' date='Apr 5 2009, 12:01 AM']This is where i get completely confused. Why are you people obsessing over a simple GBA slot? the DS is a new system, and I'm not sure if you understand me when i say this, but the DS is a DS, not a GBA DS hybrid creature that was made in a laboratory. the DS was made to play DS games, not GBA games. it only includes backwards-compatibility because well, thats nintendos handhelds for you (since GBA stopped playing game boy games after i think SP?) i guess my opinion is different mainly because i never played the GBA that much, i was still playing (And losing the cartridge) Pokemon Blue/Silver.[/quote]
its not a simple gba slot
with its removal everything from the gba era has now been blocked, and there were a lot of great games
instead nintendo put in a camera, the same exact camera quality my free cell phone has...
what a great trade off :rolleyes:

gba still played GB games with the SP, I have no idea about the micro though...
I can understand that its era was great, but shouldn't the ds has its own era, It shouldnt have to depend on the Gba's games or popularity. Nintendo(Specifically the DSi) will eventually have to move on, and this is their first step, their removing the gba slot.

also to purple sludge, of course you havent seen a game that uses the camera, its not even out in america, and its been out for less than 6 monthes, and it doesnt have any DSI specific games. games RUN on the dsi, but that doesnt mean they can use the camera.
This is ridiculous. Listen to yourselves! "OMG! There's no more compatability for an 8 year old system!" "It's just a DSL with cameras!" "It's stupid!"

Pathetic. All of you.

Has everyone here only been playing video games for the past 2 years? Do you really expect Nintendo to support a system that doesn't even have games released for it anymore? Anyone who has played Nintendo products KNOW there's a cycle where they phase out older system as they go. If you don't see this, you're blind. EVERY system does this. In fact, backwards compatibility is fairly new. You're lucky to even have that in the first place.

Almost every physical feature on the DSi is new. From the stylus to the screens to the battery meter to the CPU. It's practically a whole new system, with backwards compatibility for the DSP/L. And if you think it's too expensive, well, it's a WHOLE 20 DOLLARS MORE THAN THE DS WHEN IT CAME OUT. Quit bitching.

And if you're still a stuck up old man when it comes to your personal tastes, realize this. You will ONLY be able to get the DSi eventually. That's how it goes, just look at the DSP. New products come in with better features to replace the old. Welcome to electronic gadgets 101. If you want to stick to your DSL, then fine. Don't complain about how your DSL isn't getting as much attention when things start to come out "DSi only". It's a new system.

If you can't afford it, fine. But don't act like something new coming along is bad simply because it's new. Nobody has made an argument about why the DSi is inferior. In fact, people are citing new features as being the reasons why it's less of a system. And don't give me that "No GBA slot, WAH!" crap. Honestly, who out there used that slot that much? And I'm not talking about a slot 2 flashcart.

You people make me sad.
[quote name='Balrogs.Pain' post='1878000' date='Apr 5 2009, 05:01 AM']Okay, well as most of you know, the DSi is coming out, it has two (Horrible-ish) cameras, it has DSi-ware, which might be a HUGE plus. It has bigger screens, which i like. And it even has more RAM and CPU apparently (Have no clue what CPU really does but i know what RAM does!) and then, everyone seems to say, WAIT A MINUTE. . . WHERES MAH GBA SLOT?!

This is where i get completely confused. Why are you people obsessing over a simple GBA slot? the DS is a new system, and I'm not sure if you understand me when i say this, but the DS is a DS, not a GBA DS hybrid creature that was made in a laboratory. the DS was made to play DS games, not GBA games. it only includes backwards-compatibility because well, thats nintendos handhelds for you (since GBA stopped playing game boy games after i think SP?) i guess my opinion is different mainly because i never played the GBA that much, i was still playing (And losing the cartridge) Pokemon Blue/Silver.

And then, a lil off topic, people are complaining about stretched pixels because the screens bigger? Correct me if I'm wrong(really, I'm just blogging, not researching), but weren't the DS lites screens bigger than the DS Phat? i don't remember people complaining about those stretched pixels. Also, those who emulate old games on the computer, do you change the window size? Because that stretches the pixels out (At least on most emulators)

Thats all i have to say, i never said my opinion whether the DSi was better or not, I am simply wondering, why the hell are people complaining about it? And like most people say

-End Rant.[/quote]
DSi Hate? Ok, Tell me why we should have DSi love:
Cameras????? Please, that has to be a more useless feature than Pictochat lol.
And more RAM and CPU? That will never be utilized in any useful way. How can they make DS games that only run well on new hardware?
Bigger Screens? It has the same resolution, so it will just make things look more pixilated, which many games already do now the DS. Yes, the DSL has SLIGHTLY larger screens, but why make them even MORE larger without changing the reolution???
DSi Shop? IMO there is really no need for ANOTHER Game Content shop on any system, I'm sure we will just see more of the same types of remakes and clones as always at incredibly high prices.
Also, you say the GBA slot is an unneeded feature, but I and many others would GLADLY trade all of these useless ones to be able to play GBA games on the DSi.
You mentioned the fact that the Micro does not support GB/GBC, but the Micro was meant to be a rework of the GBA long after it had lost its main stream popularity as a handheld. It was meant to be the most compact and simple way to play GBA games, and was greatly succesful at this; games looked sharper and clearer thanks to the smaller screen and better lit screen, and it was incredibly compact and efficient with it's batteries lasting more than long enough for good playtime.
The DSi however, is not meant to be a rework of their hardware. It is marketed as an UPGRADE and I think that not including a feature that persuaded many to initally buy the DS is an incredible mistake on Nontendo's part.

P.S. I am honestly not trying to be rude, these are just my personal thoughts in rant-form

- End Counter Rant
i think the GBA is just dead weight..., like yes you will lose the guitar hero grip and some other things, but who cares, the GBA is pretty much dead anyway with no new releases in ages...

Im wondering if you all cried over not being able to play your SNES cartridges on the N64 when that came out???

Did you cry over not being able to play your N64 cartridges when the gamecube came out??

Nintendo is looking towards the future (even if it is with 2 crappy cameras and a SD slot...), and if the DSi was lugging the GBA slot, its a step backwards...

If you want to play GBA, then keep your DSL, if you want something new, well get the DSi...

bitching and moaning wont bring the GBA slot in the DSi..

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