If we met...

What if there was a big meet'n'greet w/ all of us together? I think'd be an okay thing, considering I'd be one of the youngest people there. I'd think it would be really quiet, unless you knew the people. I mean, who would talk to complete strangers? What if they were really dangerous? (Maybe you wouldn't think so, but hey, you never know.)Plus, who would come? We're all around the world, so where would it be? Probably not well thought-out. *sigh*


i would. meet me in a dark alley alone.

don't forget to bring all your consoles and a lot of cash.
You've never struck a conversation with a stranger? How would you otherwise make friends in school and at work? :lol:

For GBAtemp, I don't think a meetup with many tempers would work because it's too loose of a community. People who're tight like Narayan and whoever's in his Prinny Squad could probably make a meetup, but otherwise, not really, IMO.
A meetup would be damn near impossible considering the temp is scattered all over the place.

But Ace is pretty correct with it being a pretty loose community. There are people who like eachother, but don't exactly have an actual bond that would warrant actually meeting up.
Aside from a few people

Like some people...*looks at s4mid4re's second line*
I can't unsee that.
Yeah. And we are all over the place, too!

I like the idea of meeting up, but it's just a logistical NIGHTMARE. :)

How about local meetups or a swap type thing?
we had a few meetups in london and the USA before, nothing too big though.
best we had was london in 2007 IIRC, we had something like 10-15 people... it's hard to gather a lot of people at a given time
@Costello Did you go to one?

@Ace™ I'm 11. I don't work. º–º

@Narayan Haha very funny. You're SO hilarious. ;)
okay, to be serious, even if i do want to be in a meetup,i don't have the money for a plane ticket. but maybe in a few years when i'm already working.
i really like a meetup and do other stuff with some people and not just talk in the forums.
Eh, I dont really like meeting other gamers, I usually have the tendency to act like a ass and most I meet act like fucking FPS fanboys.

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