Favorite/Least Favorite Season of the Year

For me, my favorite season is Autumn, not to cold, not to warm, kinda that limbo spot inbetween. Love all the holidays and all the fun that seems to happen during that time of year too.

Ironically I was born in the Springtime, but go figure. Things never work out that way. Nobody in my family was born in the same Season they liked best, nobody I met so far was born in the same season they like best. But I digress.

My Least favorite season of the year has to be Summer. I Hate it with a passion, you'd think my allergies would act up during spring the most, lolnope. Instead I've had to use a nasal spray most every day, even at work this summer. Not once at any other time during the year have I ever had to do that.

I've really never liked the heat to begin with, and that's why I usually stay inside during the summer.

I sunburn real easily too, like within less than half an hour.

The only advantage to summer is the sunsets on the beach when I do go once a summer, and that's irrelevant since the sunset looks better in fall anyway.

So lets see, combine all that together and you can potentially see why I hate summer. I never liked it to begin with to be honest. Actually take that back, I absolutely loathe summer and it's heat for all it's worth, hell sometimes I wish summer didn't exist.


Autumn is favorite. Perfect temperature.
Least favorite is summer. Too freakin' hot. I hate hot.
I'm virtually immune to the cold, so I don't mind winter.
I never really notice Spring.
Too bad we only have 2 season here in the Philippines. :(

My fave is Summer (YEAH!), because it's my only time to take a break at home and I can get the chance to swim. :creep:

And my least fave is rainy season because, I don't like my house's floor to get... sticky-ish? I dunno. It's kinda hard to explain about it. And another reason on why I hate wet season is because I often get wet when going to school at weekdays, even though I have an umbrella, I still get wet by the rain. :P :lol:
[quote name='30084pm' post='3775344' date='Jul 15 2011, 12:44 PM']Favourite is autumn
Least is Summer.[/quote]
Favourite is Winter.
Least is Summer.

Woo atleast something is same :rolleyes:

I didn't say Autumn as Favourite because it doesn't exist here lol, even if it does come after Summer, those romantic falling leaves and touching atmosphere just doesn't come here, so Winter it is.
Favourite is Winter - <3 snow
Least is Spring, I got this allergy ( sneeze alot, eyes hurting, headache)
I think that Autumn is my favourite season, as you can see all the colours change on trees and it gives you an idea what the winter is goin to be like.

By far winter is the worst, I used love it but when you wake up to frozen pipes, -12 C and 6 inches of snow for about a week, its not much fun after that.
Agreed ireland1. I used to enjoy winter because I love rain, but last winter was pretty shit wasnt it. I'm in the south end, so we were lucky not to get the worst of it. Still though, bloody council kept the road salt to themselves (typical public servants!), and I couldn't walk down the road without slipping a hundred times! Autumn is good, but I don't like the impression of death everywhere. It's not particularly inspiring!
I like spring/summer coz at that time we have summer holidays and Mangoes :P
The least favorite is winter coz its pretty cold but no snow :P
I wasn't expecting my opinion to be the majority's. I fucking love the fall. Cool, but not freezing. I'm not so much of a fan of the summer. Only plus there is that I don't have anything to study, and that I go on vacation and such then. I fucking DESPISE the heat. I burn easily and have been in the emergency room because of it. And I literally can't stand humidity. So fuck the summer. And my birthday's in Autumn, so yeah.
I love all seasons! <3

Spring: The nature awakes, happy flowers etc.
Summer: Hot lovely weather. Many cute boys outside! And I can go to the beach sometimes to get less Vampire maybe :ninja:
Fall: GAMES weather!
Winter: GAMES, my birthday.
From favorite to least favorite:

1) Fall
2) Summer
3) Winter
4) Spring

Fall is my favorite, for multiple reasons. Perfect temperatures, perfect weather (It tends to be more cloudy/rainy here in fall, and I love it), and all kinds of seasonal events/holidays (Fall festivals, Indian summer festivals, Thanksgiving, etc.). Not to mention I get to go up to my camp every October.

Spring is my least favorite, mainly because of the weather. It's either too cold to do anything, or too muggy to do anything. Not to mention my allergies act up more in Spring than any other season. However, it is when everything starts growing outside (Trees, plants, etc.), but that's really the only thing I like about it.
Spring: hay fever; nope.
Summer: soooo fucking hoooot; buuuuut it has its benefits... :creep: So I guess it's kinda meh...
Autumn/Fall: YAY leaves falling off trees! Pwetty cewl.
Winter: YAY SNOOOOOW *crashes off bike* FFFFFUUUUUUU IT'S COOOOOOLD. Still, I can handle cold better than heat. Pwetty cewl.
As a fan of debauchery I have reasons to dislike every season and having not experienced either monoseason, two seasons or "opposite" seasons in any worthwhile way (although what some Australian types call cold I call quite pleasant).

Thinking about what I laughably call work seasons in some ways change what I do although that sometimes has more to do with financial projections.

I dislike heat
Several associates seem to really dislike cold.
Rain tends to mess up plans to be drunk in a field
Too much heat tends to mess up plans to run around like prats (also with heat often comes pollen).
Snow tends to mess up plans to throw myself around on contraptions featuring wheels and possibly motors but still maintain a chance of not gaining myself a Darwin award.

I shall have to ponder this or say something like you can always get drunk somewhere.

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