Wasps in the Attic

Early May I noticed a small wasp nest in the attic. We used to have wasps before, so I asked my mum about it. She said that it was from previously and all the wasps are gone. I asked my mum why they didn't get rid of and she just shrugged her shoulders. Okay I thought. Fast forward to late May, I had to go into the attic again and the nest had grew and I saw wasps flying around the lights. Since I absolutely hate flying bugs I complained to my mum and aunt about the problem and they said they would sort it. Fast forward again to today, I went into the attic to get a fan since the climate was increasing and we were all sweating like pigs. Guess what I find? The wasp nest; but bigger. You can see them flying around it and going inside and stuff. I immediately ran out. (or climbed out hastily, whichever way you want to put it) I complained to my mum again and she said it wasn't anything to worry about; "Just wait until autumn comes and they'll die out". I told her that the nest was right above her room and that they got in there through a crack above her window because you can constantly see them flying around there. She was unfazed by this and gave her usual; "If you leave them alone, they won't sting you". I find that even if you do leave them alone, they'll still fly near you and sting you if they get the chance. But fair enough point but I still keep thinking that it's going to keep growing and growing to the point where I won't be able to go into my attic.
Maybe I'm just being childish about this and it's not really a big problem...

TL;DR Wasp nest in attic, I'm scared shitless


I also hate wasps...

Be careful.

EDIT: Are you really nineteen years old?
Should've gotten rid of it the moment you first noticed it. Nip the bud in the however the hell the saying goes.
[quote name='Joe88' post='3685324' date='Jun 3 2011, 08:14 PM']just spray this all over the nest

I ain't going the fuck near it but by all means feel free to do it
Wasps burrow, often damaging siding or even support beams in some cases. Also, they're quite dangerous in large numbers and can be deadly if the whole hive is after you.

I suggest you try to persuade your mother to find an exterminator.
I worked up the courage and took a couple of pics. It's actually alot smaller than I can remember but the fact that it's still a problem:

[quote name='AlanJohn' post='3685410' date='Jun 3 2011, 03:38 PM']I don't see anything in those pics.[/quote]
i see a big white ball in the pics cept it aint no ball but a wasp nest
[quote name='DarkShinigami' post='3685415' date='Jun 3 2011, 08:39 PM'][quote name='AlanJohn' post='3685410' date='Jun 3 2011, 03:38 PM']I don't see anything in those pics.[/quote]
i see a big white ball in the pics cept it aint no ball but a wasp nest
I wouldn't want to kick that around anytime soon :lol:
[quote name='30084pm' post='3685417' date='Jun 3 2011, 10:40 PM'][quote name='DarkShinigami' post='3685415' date='Jun 3 2011, 08:39 PM'][quote name='AlanJohn' post='3685410' date='Jun 3 2011, 03:38 PM']I don't see anything in those pics.[/quote]
i see a big white ball in the pics cept it aint no ball but a wasp nest
I wouldn't want to kick that around anytime soon :lol:
Soo.. The white ball is the nest??
Ok then, get out of that house and call the EXTERMINATEr.
I'll try and get someone to do it but the people who want to get rid of are too scared and the people who aren't scared are too lazy.
I destroyed several wasp nest, the trick is to do it during the night.

The wasps are diurnal creature, so they are sleeping during the night. If you wake them up in the middle of the night, they will be a bit numb and won't attack you, so all you have to do, is spray the raid in the nest entrance and a bit around, come back in the morning to see if they are still alive, then remove the nest.

Wasp aren't usually very aggressive, if you get somewhat close to their nest during the day, they will usually warn you by flying around you, making a loud buzz and bump into you without stinging, unless you make abrupt move or bolt in the direction of their nest, they won't sting. They can sting you if you are away from the nest and you hit or squash one.
The main problem is that being in the attic you don't have a lot of 'exit strategies' other than jumping down the ladder to your doom. If you do go for the DIY strategy

1) Wear lots of clothing and googles, to protect you from the poison and wasp stings in case things go 'nuclear'
2) Also spray around that window area you mention. Important to get any openings covered with the poison so wasps that are not in the next get their due eventually
3) Wasps are 'generally' less active at night and are usually at the nest so your poison spray will work maximally if you spray at night.

Though considering how justifiably fearful you are of them, going pro might be a better way especially in an attic. If it was outside a DIY solution would be a much easier task.
[quote name='marcus134' post='3685470' date='Jun 3 2011, 09:01 PM']I destroyed several wasp nest, the trick is to do it during the night.

The wasps are diurnal creature, so they are sleeping during the night. If you wake them up in the middle of the night, they will be a bit numb and won't attack you, so all you have to do, is spray the raid in the nest entrance and a bit around, come back in the morning to see if they are still alive, then remove the nest.

Wasp aren't usually very aggressive, if you get somewhat close to their nest during the day, they will usually warn you by flying around you, making a loud buzz and bump into you without stinging, unless you make abrupt move or bolt in the direction of their nest, they won't sting. They can sting you if you are away from the nest and you hit or squash one.[/quote]

[quote name='doyama' post='3685474' date='Jun 3 2011, 09:02 PM']The main problem is that being in the attic you don't have a lot of 'exit strategies' other than jumping down the ladder to your doom. If you do go for the DIY strategy

1) Wear lots of clothing and googles, to protect you from the poison and wasp stings in case things go 'nuclear'
2) Also spray around that window area you mention. Important to get any openings covered with the poison so wasps that are not in the next get their due eventually
3) Wasps are 'generally' less active at night and are usually at the nest so your poison spray will work maximally if you spray at night.

Though considering how justifiably fearful you are of them, going pro might be a better way especially in an attic. If it was outside a DIY solution would be a much easier task.[/quote]
These two posts actually make me feel more comfortable about doing it myself. Thank you very much and I'll get rid of it ASAP
Ah I got the heebie jeebies just thinking about it. I'm allergic to wasps and all flying bugs creep me the FUCK out. :( best of luck to you, sir.
[quote name='Narayan' post='3685524' date='Jun 3 2011, 10:16 PM']i want to shoot it with an air soft gun, or simply throw a rock.[/quote]

Good luck :)

*watches news one day later*

Someone from Philippines got attacked and even killed by wasps yesterday. Witnesses said he was throwing rocks, and shooting with an air gun at the nest. His identity is still unknown.
And over to you for the weather...

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    oh right diddy
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    i saw that from penguiz0's video
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    The video that I linked is more in depth. If you enjoy watching a one hour video.
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    good night btw
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    @SylverReZ like a hour long? that's a bit way too long but it depends, i have seem 1 hour long videos
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    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
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    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
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