Who is your Best friend

Who is your best friend here ??

mine is Buleste

Was this post supposed to be in EOF ?


[quote name='Duskye' post='3656254' date='May 20 2011, 06:32 PM']Jolan, Devin, personuser, DS, and I guess vulpes.[/quote]


Online: Scott105, EpicKinectic,Fudge, Duskye, Pokefreak. Probably missing a few people.

Real Life: A friend named John.
IRL friends: Dude named Austin (haven't seen him for an entire year) Girl named Rachel (Haven't seen her since a planned meeting at a library a month ago; her mom's super paranoid.)

Everyone else I was friends with I am forbidden from seeing by their parents because I don't go to their church.

I suppose I have more temper friends here, just can't think of em all. I generally get along with everyone though, unless they're deliberately trying to annoy and/or anger me.
IRL Two boys Nick and Brain(Who is a member on this site, though I don't know if I should say his temper name. )
@personuser I barely know you but I just saw its your birthday so have a good one
VA, MarkDarkness, Missing No, Greenwatch2000, Shinigami357, KingdomBlade, and quite a few others I like. These guys make it worth coming back. Especially since at least 5 of these guys are great writers.

Honorable mention goes to Blaze37, or whatever those two digits are. He's a great guy, outstanding writer, and my favourite blogger.

Another World is also a cool guy, and outstanding writer. Currently he's just an acquaintance. :(
Thanks for the birthday wishes man :)

I came back from a birthday dinner a little while ago and I'm going to work on music with my dad later.

P.S. Sterling: Another World's female ;)
[quote name='personuser' post='3656386' date='May 20 2011, 05:55 PM']Thanks for the birthday wishes man :)

I came back from a birthday dinner a little while ago and I'm going to work on music with my dad later.

P.S. Sterling: Another World's female ;)[/quote]
Judging by "her" profile, yes. Judging by "her" comments, attitude, and the fact that this is the internet, no. The world will never know.
Everyone on my mutual friends list,
Overlord Nadrian
The Pi

And there's some others such as Vulpes Abnocto, Devin, Guild, Law, ProtoKun7 and Antoligy. and p1ngpong ;]
Hankchill, but he is my IRL best friend as well so I dunno if that counts. I am sure otherwise no one likes me because I am a jackass who tries to troll.
[quote name='Sterling' post='3656379' date='May 21 2011, 07:52 AM']VA, MarkDarkness, Missing No, Greenwatch2000, Shinigami357, KingdomBlade, and quite a few others I like. These guys make it worth coming back. Especially since at least 5 of these guys are great writers.

Another World is also a cool guy, and outstanding writer. Currently he's just an acquaintance. :([/quote]
I feel flattered.

I just realized how many people I should list, but cannot since they haven't been around in months. :(
But the remaining ones would be p1ngpong, phoenixgoddess, Rydian, Densetsu, AGLCB,
(these are just the absolute closest people. There are dozens of others that I enjoy spending time with regularly.)
I am friendly to everyone I meet (I hope...) unless they are obvious trolls etc. and I start getting annoyed with them.

I would mention a few people but they probably won't see me as their friend, maybe if I posted more I would get to know people more / people would get to know me.
I can't say I have one. I've never really gotten attached to any particular members of the site, and most of my posts are just a broad statement to everyone who reads them.
BobTheJoeBob...... been mates with him since i was 3 or 4.......although he is a bit of an egotistical bitch at times :P

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