I don't feel very happy.

I don't really know how else too word the title, but that's just it. I haven't really been feeling very happy for sometime.

I sometimes randomly cry or sometimes my heart hurts and I don't feel happy at all for no reason.

Is there anything wrong with me?


[quote name='xist' post='3616876' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:25 AM']Do you still look forward to things?[/quote]
Sometimes, but then I remember bad things like when my sister took me as a baby and put me outside. No one knew where I was for a little while.
I think you should have a serious chat with your parents. Whilst you may not be "depressed" as such you certainly sound at least a little withdrawn. Make sure that you talk about how you feel and don't hide it or pass it off as unimportant.

Everyone feels down sometimes but if it persists then it's a problem that may require real help. Try spending less time online and gaming and more time actually doing stuff. Get a new hobby outdoors or something...
dont get your hopes up this world is rotten and in real life there are no superheroes to save it

you arent wrong, everyone else is even if it sounds ridiculous its true
[quote name='xist' post='3616887' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:31 AM']I think you should have a serious chat with your parents. Whilst you may not be "depressed" as such you certainly sound at least a little withdrawn. Make sure that you talk about how you feel and don't hide it or pass it off as unimportant.

Everyone feels down sometimes but if it persists then it's a problem that may require real help. Try spending less time online and gaming and more time actually doing stuff. Get a new hobby outdoors or something...[/quote]
I do have one, I just have to wait for the weather to clear up. I usually just walk around outside and go to the store. Never really see anybody though.
As people, we often swing between highs and lows, sometimes for no reason. I think of it this way; the fact we feel so unhappy is because we know that great feelings of happiness do exist. I checked your profile and saw you were 14 and this is the time when teenagers are "misunderstood" and dont know what they are doing. It passes in time, though I know that saying that doesnt really help.
Could be depression. Usually not feeling happy is caused from your environment and the things you are doing. When I feel like that I tend to get outside the house more often and do things with real people, (friends, family or strangers) instead of just internet acquaintances. I also tend to want to travel when I'm down and see the world more. If I can't travel or go out to a club or bar due to money constraints I just work out or do something fun like rollerblading to get some exercise and that seems to help.
Agree with Edgedancer.

Being on your own when you walk won't be particularly helpful as you'll tend to be introspective. You just need to enjoy being young and stop worrying.
[quote name='xist' post='3616896' date='Apr 28 2011, 11:36 PM']Agree with Edgedancer.

Being on your own when you walk won't be particularly helpful as you'll tend to be introspective. You just need to enjoy being young and stop worrying.[/quote]
I try being with people, but whenever I call them they seem to be always doing something else. I've tried for 4 weeks for my friend to come over, but he always has something else to do. I feel like he's evoiding me
I'm pretty sure it's a stage. I experienced that too, with reasonless crying and all, when I was 14 as you.

I got over it after some time (it was quite a long time so, don't panic if you feel that way for long)

Just try to focus on stuff. Stuff being playing videogames, watching something, reading, jogging or whatever activity you want to.

About your friend, ever since school, the number of times I've been to a friend's house/a friend has been to mine has decreased drastically. I guess it kinda loses it's charm, try to spend some time with him/her at school.
[quote name='Duskye' post='3616931' date='Apr 29 2011, 09:01 AM'][quote name='xist' post='3616896' date='Apr 28 2011, 11:36 PM']Agree with Edgedancer.

Being on your own when you walk won't be particularly helpful as you'll tend to be introspective. You just need to enjoy being young and stop worrying.[/quote]
I try being with people, but whenever I call them they seem to be always doing something else. I've tried for 4 weeks for my friend to come over, but he always has something else to do. I feel like he's evoiding me
I totally understand you. For about 3 years of my life, I stayed inside and wasn't able to socialise with friends and it pissed me off. Sometimes, you have to show the initiative. If you he wont come over, ask if you can hang with him and join in with what he is doing.
To a degree, I am still like that with a few people, including my girlfriend, but you just have to forge new friendships and make the best out of what you have.
This coming statement may be unpopular but; sometimes you have to sacrifice a bit. Not everything is going to be handed to you easily as everything is about compromise, to a degree. I had massive changes last year and it allowed me to change people perceptions of me because they had pre-conceived notions of what I was like. I am not saying that you will be able to do that but I am trying to say that there is always the possibility of change.
I still go through bouts of, for lack of a better word, depression but it only lasts a day or so.
List the important people, places, objects and anything else that you have in your life. Sometimes you just need to remind yourself what you have.
I know the people who know who i am on this site are used to me being stupid snarky troll person but in all seriousness I've dealt with clinical depression before

And to be honest in my experience it really is a phase, something we all go through, and something that you have to grin and bare with during the breif Time it lasts.

in the rare case it lasts for more than a few monthss, then you may need to see a psychiatrist. Chances are if it lasts that long you have a chemical imbalance in your brain, in which case it's a medical condition and has no real reflection or foundation in the actual state of your life
[quote name='Duskye' post='3616931' date='Apr 29 2011, 12:01 AM'][quote name='xist' post='3616896' date='Apr 28 2011, 11:36 PM']Agree with Edgedancer.

Being on your own when you walk won't be particularly helpful as you'll tend to be introspective. You just need to enjoy being young and stop worrying.[/quote]
I try being with people, but whenever I call them they seem to be always doing something else. I've tried for 4 weeks for my friend to come over, but he always has something else to do. I feel like he's evoiding me
I wouldn't call that a friend. How old are you? do you still go to school or work?
Seems like you need to get some real friends. They can take your mind off this shit. I sometimes feel this way when i don't chill with my homies and get some smack talk going.
In France there's an illness recognized by medicine that other countries don't, it's called "Spasmophilie"
It's not a disease by itself, but it has symptoms of other diseases, feeling oppressed, depressed, stressed, throat ball, feeling out of this world, feeling passing away without passing away for real, anxiety, etc.

In america, it's called (and limited to one syndrome) "Hyperventilation syndrome".

You can check the symdrome list on the french wikipedia.

There's nothing to do, and it can last few years. (My mother had it for 10 years)
And one day, all is gone.
It's mostly like depressions.

if you are hyperventilating, usually it's recommended to breath in a paper bag to make CO2 rise again in your blood.

Don't do stupid things like suicide, just take on yourself a little and wait until you feel better.
it may sound like a stupid advice, sorry :P

Like said before too, it's usually the age where you can feel bad, don't worry too much, cry a lot if you need to.
you'll feel better again.
I pretty much agree with what Cyan said, it's just that age. I also felt depressed when I was around 15/16, but you get over it and fine a sense of contentment.
[quote name='Duskye' post='3616880' date='Apr 28 2011, 04:27 PM']when my sister took me as a baby and put me outside. No one knew where I was for a little while.[/quote]
LOL! thats not as bad as what happened to me i think tho.

when i was a baby my middle brother that was a little over a year older then me went up to me when i was playing with blocks or something and he peed on my face when my mom wasnt in the room
Don't know what to tell you man. I find very little to be happy with these days myself. But I've had those feelings most of my life and it has become my dark little secret friend that I now hold near and dear to my heart. In real life, I tend to scare people without even trying...especially women for some reason. People tell me that I'm wrapped too tight, that I'm intense, that I'm depressing to be around, that I'm different from anyone they've ever met before, that I don't exhibit the normal traits of human interaction (proper eye-contact, mannerisms, etc.). When people tell me that, I tell them, "Fine! Get away from me then." I'm contented by the feeling that those people fear me. It allows me to manipulate them to a certain extent. It comforts me knowing that I am not just like everyone else.

The danger is letting feelings of sadness turn to a lack of caring. Don't let that happen. Things get real bad when that happens and you don't want to go down that road. You have to figure out a way of turning your disadvantage (as others may see it) into an advantage you can work with.

I'm sorry, I don't know if you're male or female, but if you're a male, we have been programmed to bury our feelings. Whereas it is generally expected for women to be emotional. So men can have outbursts of feelings sometimes because we bottle them up, which really isn't a good thing, but that's how it is.

So, if you're a female, what you are feeling is more-or-less normal. If you are a male, it sounds like you need to vent some emotion to return to normal operating temperature.
Hey man, cheer up. You have people that would be your friend even though they have never seen you (me). I have a disorder called Bi-Polar. Sometimes I have the same symptoms as you. Maybe you should talk to a psychiatrist?
Well the other weird thing is that I sometimes put myself in a other world and I close my eyes for sometime and I kinda obvious to anything for a min or so.

That's why I asked if there's anything wrong with me.

Also Rayder, I'm a male.

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