Pokemon DS Lite Bundle Pics

I recently bought the new Pokemon edition DS Lite, and took some pics because it looks really silvery to me. I used to have a plain black onyx DS, but I sold it a while ago. If my memory serves me right, it didn't look like this. This one is very shiny and silvery. Anyways, here is the pics.

Click the pic to be taken to the set.

Also, none of these pics have been edited, but it sure as hell looks like it, eh? How the eff is my desktop so white? These could be press photos (if I had wiped the DS down more, its a little dusty on the front)


[quote name='moozxy' post='1401084' date='Sep 15 2008, 03:00 PM']HAHA I C U

I took that one on purpose :P


I'm afraid to play with this thing because its so nice. I haven't played a game on it yet.
It does look silvery. I have an Onyx that I am looking at right now and it's not that shiny but it could also be the contrast from the silver top.

It looks nice. Do you have two DS lites now? I do and it makes life so much better especially when the battery on one is about to die.
[quote name='PizzaPasta' post='1401366' date='Sep 15 2008, 05:35 PM']It does look silvery. I have an Onyx that I am looking at right now and it's not that shiny but it could also be the contrast from the silver top.

It looks nice. Do you have two DS lites now? I do and it makes life so much better especially when the battery on one is about to die.[/quote]

For the time being, I do. My clear one is on eBay though. If it doesnt sell, I'm keeping two lol

[quote name='science' post='1401378' date='Sep 15 2008, 07:44 PM'][quote name='PizzaPasta' post='1401366' date='Sep 15 2008, 05:35 PM']It does look silvery. I have an Onyx that I am looking at right now and it's not that shiny but it could also be the contrast from the silver top.

It looks nice. Do you have two DS lites now? I do and it makes life so much better especially when the battery on one is about to die.[/quote]

For the time being, I do. My clear one is on eBay though. If it doesnt sell, I'm keeping two lol


Man, that looks nice. I would totally get it but I think 3 DS lites is a bit overkill. Although, I really want one of the red ones from Europe.

You should keep it, I'm telling you, having two comes in really handy. Did you mod it yourself?
[quote name='PizzaPasta' post='1401384' date='Sep 15 2008, 05:48 PM'][quote name='science' post='1401378' date='Sep 15 2008, 07:44 PM'][quote name='PizzaPasta' post='1401366' date='Sep 15 2008, 05:35 PM']It does look silvery. I have an Onyx that I am looking at right now and it's not that shiny but it could also be the contrast from the silver top.

It looks nice. Do you have two DS lites now? I do and it makes life so much better especially when the battery on one is about to die.[/quote]

For the time being, I do. My clear one is on eBay though. If it doesnt sell, I'm keeping two lol


Man, that looks nice. I would totally get it but I think 3 DS lites is a bit overkill. Although, I really want one of the red ones from Europe.

You should keep it, I'm telling you, having two comes in really handy. Did you mod it yourself?

Nah, I got thieves like us to mod it for me. But I just bought a second DS, and I am a student so I am finding it hard to justify me having two DSs lol

I used to have two DSs. I liked being able to switch colours when I got bored of one lol
[quote name='science' post='1401390' date='Sep 15 2008, 07:53 PM']Nah, I got thieves like us to mod it for me.[/quote]

Awww, man! That's even more of a reason to keep it! Alright, alright. I'm going to stop trying to convince you.

It's a really great mod though, it reminds me of an old pocket simon I used to have. I hope it sells for a lot.
[quote name='PizzaPasta' post='1401399' date='Sep 15 2008, 05:57 PM'][quote name='science' post='1401390' date='Sep 15 2008, 07:53 PM']Nah, I got thieves like us to mod it for me.[/quote]

Awww, man! That's even more of a reason to keep it! Alright, alright. I'm going to stop trying to convince you.

It's a really great mod though, it reminds me of an old pocket simon I used to have. I hope it sells for a lot.

I hope it does too! Also, I hope it doesn't sell, because you are convincing me to keep it!
[quote name='science' post='1401413' date='Sep 15 2008, 08:03 PM']AHH SHH! If ebay falls through, I WILL KEEP IT[/quote]

Sorry man! You know, I am natural born control freak. I can't help what I am!

I love you!
[quote name='PizzaPasta' post='1401429' date='Sep 15 2008, 06:15 PM'][quote name='science' post='1401413' date='Sep 15 2008, 08:03 PM']AHH SHH! If ebay falls through, I WILL KEEP IT[/quote]

Sorry man! You know, I am natural born control freak. I can't help what I am!

I love you!

I love you too! I kinda want to keep them both but its not financially wise!
[quote name='science' post='1401776' date='Sep 15 2008, 10:27 PM'][quote name='PizzaPasta' post='1401429' date='Sep 15 2008, 06:15 PM'][quote name='science' post='1401413' date='Sep 15 2008, 08:03 PM']AHH SHH! If ebay falls through, I WILL KEEP IT[/quote]

Sorry man! You know, I am natural born control freak. I can't help what I am!

I love you!

I love you too! I kinda want to keep them both but its not financially wise!

You could always steal money from a bank or maybe you could find a bag of money in the woods?
PIZZAPASTA! Thanks to you and my girlfriend, I have decided to take my clear DS off eBay and sell my Pokemon one!

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    oh right diddy
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    i saw that from penguiz0's video
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    good night btw
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    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
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    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
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