
a few weeks ago i smoked weed for the first time evar. the second i was asked i thought should i then i said yes. it was amazing, i cant evan remember the rest of the night it was great though and we played video games the rest of the night. BEST NIGHT EVER. have you guys ever smoked weed?


I have once.
Well, thrice in the same day, but I consider the day my first/only time.
Not that I'm opposed to it.
I just thought everything was funny.
I downloaded Daft Punk's Electroma in 1080p for the next time I do it.
Gonna be aaaaaaaaaawesome.
Though I won't really go out of my way to smoke.
Drinking on the other hand...
If I do I'll blow my fucking brains out. Not in a metaphorical "I'm trippin' balls" way, but in a "hot lead through my skull" way.

I don't have anything against weed personally but I've seen the incredible fucks in my school who do it and how people I once knew as a kid turned into these incredible fucks because of this drug.

If you want an example of this stupidity, one guy I know said that it's so good for you that AIDS patients smoke it to strengthen their immune systems.

The only reason I support legalizing it is so we can tax the living shit out of it which we can then dump into our police force so they can start catching people who are under the influence in public or whilst driving so we can get even more revenue through tickets.

I've about had it with drugs and have a deep seated hatred towards my school and community because of such a problem it is.

EDIT: My dad also talked to me about it. He said as a kid he tried it once and never found it all that thrilling. He said it was also a matter of economics. Why spend all this money on something that'll give you a few hours of nothing when you can buy a Duran Duran CD (my dad is a gigantic 80's alternative nerd) with all that money? It's a good point too. For me, I could just save all that potential pot money and buy myself some vidya gamez.

EDIT 2: I also find myself able to have a peaceful moment with just proper conditions such as music and stuff. I don't see the need to get "stoned" when I can find my own personal nirvana through lesser means. And it's something I can control.

EDIT 3: A lot of additions I know. But if you need to get high with your buddies and do stupid shit to have a good time then you're just a boring person. My friends I can stay up all night playing Marvel vs. Capcom 3, watching movies (recently, we had a good laugh at Jason X and Mystery Team), and having lengthy conversations and none of us have ever gotten high, ever gotten drunk, or ever done a drug, nor do we plan to. Maybe we're boy scouts but we always have a good time together.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3574901' date='Apr 7 2011, 02:49 AM']If I do I'll blow my fucking brains out. Not in a metaphorical "I'm trippin' balls" way, but in a "hot lead through my skull" way.

I don't have anything against weed personally but I've seen the incredible fucks in my school who do it and how people I once knew as a kid turned into these incredible fucks because of this drug.

If you want an example of this stupidity, one guy I know said that it's so good for you that AIDS patients smoke it to strengthen their immune systems.

The only reason I support legalizing it is so we can tax the living shit out of it which we can then dump into our police force so they can start catching people who are under the influence in public or whilst driving so we can get even more revenue through tickets.

I've about had it with drugs and have a deep seated hatred towards my school and community because of such a problem it is.[/quote]
This. Pretty much this what I think about it.
I'm probably going to the week after next week, if I go camping with ma pals.
Weed and whores, I'll just have the weed part since I have a girlfriend. But it should be fun times.

Last time we went camping we got drunk as fuck and did crazy stuff. One of the best nights evar.

Btw, I'll do it out of curiosity
nope cause i've seen the terrors that drugs can cause first hand. my sister did weed, meth, and pot and i saw how fucked up she was luckily she quit and is back to normal or at least as normal as she can. so after seeing that i decided i will never do any drugs except maybe liquor when i turn 21 and once in a good while after that
The only drugs I'm on are Allergy Medicine, [Natural Mutli-Complete]Vitamins, Caffeine, and OXYGEN!
Remember folks; there's a difference between drug use, and abuse.

Smoking weed in self regulated amounts periodically is not harmful in anyway. If you're going out of your way to smoke as much as you can as often as you can, you just fall under the abuse category anyways.
People are never really taught the difference though. Drug use and abuse rules don't apply to drugs such as meth, cocaine, and heroin though. That shit should be kept away from at all times.

Edit: That's not to say I support weed, but I'm not going to call it the devil's drug either. Never smoked it personally.
[quote name='DJ91990' post='3574938' date='Apr 7 2011, 10:04 AM']The only drugs I'm on are Allergy Medicine, [Natural Mutli-Complete]Vitamins, Caffeine, and OXYGEN![/quote]
oxygen is a drug?
[quote name='Narayan' post='3574957' date='Apr 6 2011, 07:10 PM'][quote name='DJ91990' post='3574938' date='Apr 7 2011, 10:04 AM']The only drugs I'm on are Allergy Medicine, [Natural Mutli-Complete]Vitamins, Caffeine, and OXYGEN![/quote]
oxygen is a drug?

No. Oxygen is an element. We breathe in 02 (two oxygens) when we breath and add carbon when we exhale to create CO2. THE MORE YOU KNOW.
[quote name='mitch coutts' post='3574881' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:43 AM']a few weeks ago i smoked weed for the first time evar. the second i was asked i thought should i then i said yes. it was amazing, i cant evan remember the rest of the night it was great though and we played video games the rest of the night. BEST NIGHT EVER. have you guys ever smoked weed?[/quote]

Did, had a really bad trip.


Stopped and didn't look back.

Nope, never will. Fucks up your relationships with your friends and family (I have a friend.) Plus it makes you a total dumbass (just look at my school)
[quote name='pokefreak2008' post='3574908' date='Apr 6 2011, 06:54 PM']nope cause i've seen the terrors that drugs can cause first hand. my sister did weed, meth, and pot and i saw how fucked up she was luckily she quit and is back to normal or at least as normal as she can. so after seeing that i decided i will never do any drugs except maybe liquor when i turn 21 and once in a good while after that[/quote]

It wasn't the weed, or the pot (:P) that fucked her up, it was the meth.

@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.

@whoever thinks people who smoke for "a good time" are boring: You're usually wrong too. It's an enhancer, not a source.

My personal view towards marijuana is: "I don't care. I just won't do it now or ever." Towards every other drug, "It should be legal and regulated. The fact that drug-taking is a federal crime is retarded. It should only be illegal when it hurts others besides you, like alcohol. They should also be prohibited to athletes."
There are people who smoke weed who don't end up like fuck ups and can actually control it. Hell, George Carlin is proof of that.

I smoke it daily. I smoke it about 3-4 times daily. It's the greatest feeling in the world just sitting there on a couch, listening to Bloodhound Gang, and feeling chill and relax. And anybody who says bad things about it, have to live that time before they can open their mouths.
[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:48 AM']@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.[/quote]

It's a crutch for the weak who lack the ability to feel "chill" or "relaxed" on their own. It's something that "compensates" for an inability put on yourself.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3575068' date='Apr 6 2011, 10:58 PM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:48 AM']@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.[/quote]

It's a crutch for the weak who lack the ability to feel "chill" or "relaxed" on their own. It's something that "compensates" for an inability put on yourself.
I get drunk to get relaxed, and am a much nicer person when I am in the bag too.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3575068' date='Apr 6 2011, 07:58 PM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3575051' date='Apr 7 2011, 03:48 AM']@Guild: You speak as if marijuana is just a "don't give a fuck" drug. If someone does it daily, that's just that person not giving a fuck, not the weed. The weed helps him/her, though.[/quote]

It's a crutch for the weak who lack the ability to feel "chill" or "relaxed" on their own. It's something that "compensates" for an inability put on yourself.
That's like saying video games are a crutch for the weak who lack the ability to be entertained on their own.

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