Christmas Haul this Year:

I Gave:
- Girlfriend = two hand knit washcloths (one is designed with her state's initials on it) + a few extras.
- Mother = hand knit armwarmers, a bottle of icewine
- Father = hand knit scarf, dishcloths (same as the girlfriend's, just different colour), a new frying pan
- Family Friend = two smaller knit dishcloths
- Uni Friend = Doctor Who action figure (the Doctor with the gas mask on - "Are you my mummy?"), reindeer socks
- Lesbian Uni Friend = small pin up calender, and a stuffed plushie + two knit cat toys

I Got:
- Family Friend = a small religious photo frame (scared the living stuffing out of me, as the box was shaped like EXPENSIVE jewelry)
- Girlfriend = going to send a money order to me....
- Father = Earthbound for the SNES (holy hell that was expensive, but I'm still waiting for the thing to arrive), $50
- Mother = $50
- Uni Friend = bag of awesome candy!
- Lesbian Uni Friend = Virgo astrology kit + astrology dice (highly weird, but for a dice fan like me...irresistible!)

Not a bad haul this year. Was expecting a lot less, but somehow ended up getting almost all the stuff I want this year. (I will probably save up the $100 and get my ass on a plane trip to Atlanta this year.)

Edit: Probably going to buy a few SNES games. Anyone got any ideas? :D

Post Edit: Selling a $50 Tim Hortons coffee shop gift card! (My mother gave it to me - as she doesn't do "crappy" coffee.) She's a coffee snob. :(


I don't know why...but this blog post made me feel old, the last bit anyway.

I do love you blogs, though, very concise and to the point.

Sounds like a good haul :)
Wow, nice haul. I love that you made the majority of your gifts, they always mean a lot more.

I don't have any recommendations for the SNES games, as I never actually owned one and most good games have a price tag of $50 and up unless you get lucky at a yard sale/swap meet.
Thanks. Why does that make you feel old? (The SNES part?)

- I seriously feel old because I had to explain why the SNES is awesome retrogaming to my roommate. She remembers seeing it as a kid (when she was eight!).

I dunno, it is a good haul, but seriously weird to be buying my mother icewine. :D
Earthbound? You're sooo lucky :)

For buying Snes games, I recommend: Super Mario: Legend of the Seven Stars, DKC 1,2, and 3, Star Fox, and Zelda: Link to the Past.

You probably have all of those already, but those are my favorites :P

Oh, and a late Merry Christmas to you :)
Actually, I've been looking for Super Mario RPG for ages...seems everyone loves that game! (I remember when Nintendo debuted was everywhere - I'm highly surprised that it's still so collectible.)

I personally hate Zelda: A Link to the Past, but maybe I don't have quite enough patience. I've found Illusion of Gaia and Secret of Mana in the wild, and it's a very enjoyable experience to play through both on a console.

Merry Christmas!
I have Super Mario. It's quite fun. If you like Paper Mario, you'll like this :)

Oh, and for Secret of Mana, and Illusion of Gaia, I've never played either :( I want to play Secret of Mana really badly, but I can never find the time. I've been so busy lately.
[quote name='astrangeone' post='3350462' date='Dec 26 2010, 12:17 AM']I personally hate Zelda: A Link to the Past, but maybe I don't have quite enough patience.[/quote]
should probably stay away from the gbc ones then (oracle ones)
minish cap isnt too bad imo, not that long
Scott-105 - I'm currently neogiotating with a friend for Super Mario RPG - the last time I played, I got up to the part where I got Geno in my party. It's been a LONG time. I've also got to find Kirby Super Stars in my house....

Secret of Mana is very similar to Legend of Zelda (with the overworld being affected by the different weapons), but has an unfortunate tendency to use magic to make everything better.

Edit: The only Zelda game I've enjoyed out right is Minish Cap - never finished it, but the mechanics and presentation was good. (I didn't mind Spirit Tracks, but the constant freaking backtracking???? NO fucking way.)
Omg, Kirby Super Stars is a game I want SO badly. I played the DS version, and I'd love to play the original.
Tell you what, Scott-105 - if I find Kirby Super Stars, I'd mail it to you. True genius should be shared. (That's a promise.)
I'd recommend Terranigma, but as a PAL-only game, even if you tracked it down you'd need an imported console to play it. I'm going to skip the obvious ones, like Chrono Trigger, FFIV/VI, and Super Metroid. I remember playing a game called EVO, made by Enix, where you start off as this fish thing and have to eat other creatures to evolve and get stronger. It actually had really tough bosses, and it was entertaining trying to get your evolution points up and deciding what parts you want to evolve.
Yeah, I really remember that - I really should start looking harder for rarer games. (I remember seeing it at the thift store in my university town....and it was really cheap.) EVO, I mean.

Scott-105 - I'd make an effort to find it - I swear that my house is a disaster.
Not a problem! I just need to find another few games to fuel my obsession.

I might find Lufia for the list grows like's a shame that the DS doesn't have such a huge library of good games.
Those slipped my mind. Lufia and Lufia II were pretty great RPGs. I wish the DS remake of Lufia II was as good as the original.
The remake of Lufia II has been turned into a pure action RPG, the battle system is completely different. If you liked the FFCC games you'd probably like it, but if you were a big fan of the original two, there's a good chance you'll hate it.
PeregrinFig: I didn't mind FFCC, but it really doesn't stand out as a "good" action RPG. However, I'd probably download Lufia 2 just to say that I've played it. :D

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