Do you really care?

This is a copy of a blog post I made. I really want you to think as you read.

I had one of the most important conversations of my life over the past 3 hours.
Far more important than anything else. It was not meant to be fun.

We talked and talked. I had work to do, but this was far more important. It didn't matter that I was very behind on it. We learned about each others' lives, about people and relationships, about many things.

We are two of a kind in a sea of many unsympathetic individuals. Skilled in hiding emotions and feelings, we are the exceptions. Only a brave few ever manage to confide their true feelings and their murky pasts to others. Why? Because no one seems to care except ourselves.

I look on the world and see many people, even so-called "friends", just living for no real purpose. We have things like drama amongst friends and family. Broken relationships. Mark 10:9 says this, "Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."

For the first time, I finally confided to someone whose past I didn't know. We talked about relationships to great lengths. We both saw what the other had gone through after finally delving deep beneath the surface.

Over the space of those 3 hours, I discussed my relationship plans and goals; he gave me advice. Unfortunately, that advice is what I believe the rest of the world believes, and we debated about that. If a relationship fails, then it wasn't meant to be, but it doesn't mean try and go for several "significant others" at once. We agreed on many points, and I knew that if my plans failed, I would suffer dearly for it for life.

It doesn't matter.

I don't know what others have been through. Even so, I wanted to ask people what they were living for, honestly.

The world is a cruel place. People not willing to contribute to something important, something radical and deeply necessary, are just contributing to the loneliness of isolated souls. Something needs to change. I really mean it.

Sure, you can ignore me and this post, no longer call me your "friend", and condemn me as you laugh alongside all your other "friends", but it doesn't matter. I've already suffered enough; what else could you possibly do to me?

Yes, the world simply doesn't care. And I wonder which of you won't care either.

Sorry, I just had to post this.


If I had seen your original post I would have commented, Having seen it now I know there is another deep soul on this forum. I read your words and they reminded me of a life affirming conversation I had with a stranger the first week of freshman year of college (he later became the bestman at my wedding) and I remember walking away from it a different person. I am happy for you, really. For real and I mean it.

Q. What do I live for?
A. My wife
[quote name='yuyuyup' post='3166709' date='Sep 30 2010, 02:14 AM']Can you please re-write this so it makes a lick of sense[/quote]

I'm sorry yuyuyup, it's 2:16am here and thus what I wrote may not make much sense to some people due to the clarity, or possible lack thereof, present. There's just simply no way I can rewrite it right now.

And elmoreas, it's great that I've found yet another wandering person. For so long I thought I was the only one. It's nice to know there are others.
i don't have an answer for this...time will give it to me though. Not sure if bein too young has to with it but yea, someday...or maybe I haven't done enough
The World is mind boggler! Christmas is not a special date, it's a mindstate! ( or state of mind)
[quote name='Kutxiii' post='3169215' date='Oct 2 2010, 01:21 AM']The World is mind boggler! Christmas is not a special date, it's a mindstate! ( or state of mind)[/quote]

Christmas is in no way a "state of mind".

Christmas is a corporate holiday designed to make people feel obligated to spend as much money as they can to give gifts to people for no reason other then "because it's christmas."
Not that i'm against it. I think christmas is a pretty brilliant idea in some aspects. For those who can afford it, Christmas is a warm happy time. But of course, for those who can't afford it...Christmas is a shit time.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3169613' date='Oct 2 2010, 03:25 AM'][quote name='Kutxiii' post='3169215' date='Oct 2 2010, 01:21 AM']The World is mind boggler! Christmas is not a special date, it's a mindstate! ( or state of mind)[/quote]

Christmas is in no way a "state of mind".

Christmas is a corporate holiday designed to make people feel obligated to spend as much money as they can to give gifts to people for no reason other then "because it's christmas."
Not that i'm against it. I think christmas is a pretty brilliant idea in some aspects. For those who can afford it, Christmas is a warm happy time. But of course, for those who can't afford it...Christmas is a shit time.

The World is mind boggler!
[quote name='wchill' post='3166696' date='Sep 30 2010, 04:59 AM']The world is a cruel place. People not willing to contribute to something important, something radical and deeply necessary[/quote]

Aaaah capitalism!
From what I can understand, no means to disrespect, I've been down similar roads thinking such as that however I've learnt (the hard way) that going and finding the deeper meanings to everything would make one so bitter about life. One would miss the... how would you phrase it?... joys of living if that makes sense.

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