I hate Kingdom Hearts

So like a week or so ago, I got a PS2. Ever since I've been addicted to Kingdom Hearts. I beat the first one in like 3 days. Same with the second. I liked the second WAY more. The new features were cool. I found it A LOT easier than the first though. The only battle I found hard was the last one against you know who. (Not gonna say the name. Spoilers)

But yeah, I hate the addictiveness of the games. I did literally nothing but play Kingdom Hearts since I got the PS2.


One of the best ARPGs ever made, I loved the deep story, the characters,the villains and how they blend the characters into the disney storylines.
it wasn't great, i never finished the 1st or second one fully, i just got bored of it.
I love the gameplay, but I hate the storyline and the fact that you must own a GBA (this one's not too important), DS, PSP and PS2 in order to play all the games and understand the storyline.
The thing that gets me the most is that there's no fucking point to Disney characters. It's like the game was made as your typical Square Enix ARPG but then a guy rushed into the room and said "Alright guys! We made a deal with Disney and now we need Disney characters in this game! Let's go!" And they replace the worlds with some Disney ones and add a few characters but there's absolutely no explanation or reasoning on why they're there or why they should be there. It's like why the fuck Marvel and Capcom characters are fighting in Marvel vs. Capcom games. There's some lame backstory but it's a fighting game so you don't give a shit. I mean you're just playing as Sora, get a key, fight some bad guys, and then wake up with a bunch of goddamn Disney characters with no reason why. Not to mention the places where you see lesser Disney characters like Aladdin and Tarzan are nothing more than backdrops with, again, no purpose. You go there, say "HI _____!", they help you a bit, then you leave and you realize how incredibly unimportant their role was in the whole game. I understand games don't need to always make sense but this seems like a jump of the shark.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3032558' date='Aug 8 2010, 03:34 PM']The thing that gets me the most is that there's no fucking point to Disney characters. It's like the game was made as your typical Square Enix ARPG but then a guy rushed into the room and said "Alright guys! We made a deal with Disney and now we need Disney characters in this game! Let's go!" And they replace the worlds with some Disney ones and add a few characters but there's absolutely no explanation or reasoning on why they're there or why they should be there. It's like why the fuck Marvel and Capcom characters are fighting in Marvel vs. Capcom games. There's some lame backstory but it's a fighting game so you don't give a shit. I mean you're just playing as Sora, get a key, fight some bad guys, and then wake up with a bunch of goddamn Disney characters with no reason why. Not to mention the places where you see lesser Disney characters like Aladdin and Tarzan are nothing more than backdrops with, again, no purpose. You go there, say "HI _____!", they help you a bit, then you leave and you realize how incredibly unimportant their role was in the whole game. I understand games don't need to always make sense but this seems like a jump of the shark.[/quote]
Rawr, Square Enix's the best!!!

Okay, screw that. I actually like Kingdom Hearts, but I agree, I wonder why'd they use Disney Characters. Feels misplaced, and the story got way repetitive. Putting the series on so many consoles sucks too e___e

Does anyone think Donald and the others are only there for transformations? 8D
I love the series and the story is "ok" imo. it's not that bad but it isn't great either.

i can agree with Guild to a Certain Extent, sure they could've just made another character to take the role of mickey, donald, goofy etc. and then they could've just made different worlds from scratch in place of disney ones. but the point of all that imo was nostalgia, unique-ness, and to widen the audience.
I see Girly girls and little kids play KH, and i know if it didn't had Disney chars they wouldn't have bought KH.
[quote name='Range-TE' post='3032574' date='Aug 8 2010, 02:50 PM']I love the series and the story is "ok" imo. it's not that bad but it isn't great either.

i can agree with Guild to a Certain Extent, sure they could've just made another character to take the role of mickey, donald, goofy etc. and then they could've just made different worlds from scratch in place of disney ones. but the point of all that imo was nostalgia, unique-ness, and to widen the audience.
I see Girly girls and little kids play KH, and i know if it didn't had Disney chars they wouldn't have bought KH.[/quote]

I don't see what's nostalgic about the poor license use of some of my favorite childhood characters. If I wanted a nostalgia trip I may as well watch the classic films again when I have children of my own or are with children that were my age when I enjoyed the movies. And I don't find nostalgia in seeing a classic character and then seeing him put together with a bunch of other random characters. Seriously, what reason does Cloud have of being there? Or Squall? Absolutely none. They just play completely useless and minor roles. Putting characters into a game willy-nilly just as an excuse to attract an audience is pretty bad. It's just a marketing ploy that hardly makes any sense if you think about it in terms of the game.
I reckon KH is a great series. I also think the storyline is gripping.
They may have milked it a bit and demand a little from customers (so many consoles..), but in all honesty the amount of suspense between games always kills me.

Even when i watch a movie (a few exceptions) i don't feel like i want to know what happens next, in KH i do.
It's just Square Enix magic.
The fact that disney is apart of that magic is looked down upon by some (look, mickey mouse the king..), yeh it does dumb it down a bit..
If the gameplay revolved more around the darker storyline more than going around helping disney characters it would be great.
But still i learned to live with it, and it doesn't bother me too much..
I always used to like disney as a kid anyway.
[quote name='Saken' post='3032606' date='Aug 8 2010, 10:10 AM'](so many consoles..)[/quote]

Haven't all the real games been on the PS2 and then on the DS, with like....silly spin-offs on mobile/gba?

Final Fantasy has been on the nes, snes, playstation, playstation 2, playstation 3, xbox 360, gameboy, gameboy advance, our little DS, and mobile phones - not to mention rereleases on Wiiware and such, with spin-offs on Gamecube and Wii
Only about two games in the series have been "spinoffs" in the sense of the word. Both were mobile games (and not Coded). Spinoffs generally have no relevance to a main story, but almost every KH game has relevance. You can argue that there is a lot of filler though.

One game that IS considered a main game that isn't on PS2 though is Birth By Sleep. The story is absolutely essential to the plot and is considered a numbered title even though it isn't numbered in the title. And chock full of filler though it may be, Chain of Memories is an essential part of the story as well. It wasn't as good as it should have been, but had they never put it in game form, nothing in KH2 would have made much sense. So yeah, every game in the series is real. Not all are great, but they are all essential.

I somewhat agree on the use of Disney characters as being useless sometimes. There are exceptions though, including-

- worlds with Riku in them in general in KH1
- Beauty and the Beast in KH2
- any other organization 13 centric world
- every world in Birth By Sleep

Birth By Sleep is actually how you do Disney worlds right in Kingdom Hearts. Literally every single world in the entire game has a purpose and is not filler or useless. It all ties in to the main plot and is actually written really well. It's probably the best in the series so far, at the very least in story and plot progression. If they can keep that up with new games, you'll not have much to complain about.

Button masher? Pretty much any action RPG is... I can't really think of any that aren't. If you're complaining about the game being a button masher, you're in the wrong genre. Which is fine, but don't accuse KH of being one and disregard every other one out there.

And despite not liking FF7 that much and hating 8 (and having no nostalgia for either game), i enjoyed all the FF cameos. What purpose do they have there? None, but it's not like it's any different than randomly introducing new characters. They'd have had to do that anyways, and they'd have been totally forgettable if so. Here, it's interesting to see familiar faces in a sort of alternate universe. And it's not something you see every day in just any game either. Same goes for the Disney characters. Just seeing them in character with their voices is nostalgic. Sometimes they are just there for the sake of being Disney yes, but sometimes they ARE really well written.

And honestly Guild, not gonna argue with you about FF4, but you're only going to incite flames with that statement about them all being terrible but that one.

Long post is long, but i'm seeing some hate starting now. Keep it clean guys.

I'd suggest that anyone who thinks the Disney parts are poorly implemented or throw-away should play Birth By Sleep. Pretty much every single world and character is extremely well written and meshed into the plot logically.
Honestly, I really don't like the series, mainly because the gameplay is repetitive. I do think the story is somewhat well done, and the oddness of Disney characters being thrown in there makes the world in the game much more expansive.

I played the first half of KH1, but I never really went back because the gameplay was too repetitive to hold my interests. Just button mashing and running around.

Maybe I'll give it another try sometime in the future. Who knows?

Nah, Kingdom Hearts is great. One of my favorite game series ever. Ever. A lot of people don't like KH, it's always been like that, and it always will be. Each of the KH games have their share of problems. And the plot is getting ridiculously complex and confusing, but that doesn't make it any less of a good game (series).
[quote name='Daizu' post='3033619' date='Aug 9 2010, 02:34 AM']And the plot is getting ridiculously complex and confusing, but that doesn't make it any less of a good game (series).[/quote]

The plot isn't ridiculously complex, the creators just made so many holes that they figured they could fill it in with spinoffs. Those in turn have more holes for more spinoffs. So the more plot holes you have the more area you have to make more plot holes to make more games which in turn make you more money.

For the record I'm still waiting for my Dragon Quest/Looney Tunes crossover. Commonwealth Souls I think it's called.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3033627' date='Aug 8 2010, 09:38 PM']For the record I'm still waiting for my Dragon Quest/Looney Tunes crossover. Commonwealth Souls I think it's called.[/quote]
:blink: Is that actually a game? Or am I just retarded?
[quote name='Scott-105' post='3033638' date='Aug 9 2010, 02:45 AM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3033627' date='Aug 8 2010, 09:38 PM']For the record I'm still waiting for my Dragon Quest/Looney Tunes crossover. Commonwealth Souls I think it's called.[/quote]
:blink: Is that actually a game? Or am I just retarded?

No, I was just joking :) Commonwealth is just a synonym to Kingdom (according to Thesaurus.com) and Souls is just an alternative to Hearts (like HeartGold and SoulSilver in Pokemon).

I know, I'm a funny guy.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3033650' date='Aug 8 2010, 09:51 PM'][quote name='Scott-105' post='3033638' date='Aug 9 2010, 02:45 AM'][quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3033627' date='Aug 8 2010, 09:38 PM']For the record I'm still waiting for my Dragon Quest/Looney Tunes crossover. Commonwealth Souls I think it's called.[/quote]
:blink: Is that actually a game? Or am I just retarded?

No, I was just joking :) Commonwealth is just a synonym to Kingdom (according to Thesaurus.com) and Souls is just an alternative to Hearts (like HeartGold and SoulSilver in Pokemon).

I know, I'm a funny guy.
Aha, I thought you were joking, just wasn't sure. I'm gullible lol
Sora is way worse then the Disney characters.
I actually kinda like them in it. At first you're thinking "This is...pretty stupid." But then you play and it's actually pretty fun to explore and interact with the disney worlds.

However, as i've said in damn near any KH thread, Sora ruins the series.

Anyone else as main character FTW (which is why the only KH i've bought is 358/2 days and come september, BBS as well).

Also, Disney better have bought out Marvel for a damn reason.
[quote name='Hells Malice' post='3033780' date='Aug 9 2010, 05:41 AM']I WANNA SEE MARVEL IN KH.[/quote]

Christ no. I'm guessing that was a joke though.

But yeah, I felt Sora was a terrible protagonist. Not only does he dress like a clown (parachute pants, what year was he made?) but he's very standard. Sure he has some character development but it's typical. Standard-lowly-boy-turns-to-world-saving-hero. He's got about as much depth as Link and Link is sadly a very shallow character. Most of the original characters in Kingdom Hearts were pretty crap too.

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    @Xdqwerty wdym by that
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    That's a great one @BigOnYa
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    haha, kinda corny tho
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    @BigOnYa when I read your jokes I imagine Im seeing south park and Randy Marsh is telling the joke
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    also here's a better version of your vacuum cleaner joke @HUNTERFOX
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  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    not very funny :/
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    tbh kinda cringe
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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Kirbydogs, I wouldnt
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @Kirbydogs, also I agree its cringe
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    @Xdqwerty what was it like
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