Google account blocked [Solved]

So, this morning, I decide to check my gmail to see if there's anything new, but seems I got no new mails.

A few hours later, I needed to use it again, but when I come back on gmail, I'm logged out. Ofc, nothing strange about that, but then I tried to log in.
I got presented with this (well, not my screenshot, but you get the idea):

So according to that page I have to give my phone number to regain it immediately... Well, I can say that's never gonna happen.

Like anyone else would do, I started searching around a bit and it seems a lot of people are having the problem these days. Some of them got their account back, other however didn't.

I eventually found a contact form and used it to explain I have no idea why this could've happened (I was never given any reason at all). I first thought I maybe broke with their TOS, but I couldn't find anything that looked this way. They haven't replied yet.

The worst thing of all is, if your account is disabled, you can't use ANY google services. So I can't check my gmail, can't update the guide in my sig, can't use google wave, ....
The mail is also my GBAtemp mail, so if you try to contact me on it, it probably refuses...

Well, I don't know what to do now :( I guess all I can do is wait. It says "Temporarily Disabled", so maybe it'll get fixed sometime. (According to the site it takes from 1 min to 24 hours to fix, so I only need to panic after that :P )

Just a word of advise to any gmail/google account users : If you have any important stuff there, back it up cause google might get rid of your account before you know it...

Oh yeah, one thing I forgot, I suspect my account was hacked somehow and they used it to send out spam. The google server probably noticed it and blocked the account...

And if you don't know, there is a link on the bottom of the Page in gmail (saying "Details", somewhere under X MB of the 7000+MB used), if you click it you can see which IPs accessed your account. If you can't recognize some of them, force the sessions to end with the button at the top and change your password! (I wish I knew about that before)

If anyone has ever had this, or you have suggestions, please reply.


hmm, thats strange...
i hope thats not a strategy from google to try and obtain more information from their users </conspiracy>
after all they've got you trapped... if they suddenly decide to disable all your accounts, what would you be ready to do to get those back?
I contacted them with my hotmail account, so they probably can't block that (at least not directly).
Kind of a stupid system though, they just block your account and give you nothing. I have not even the slightest idea why I got blocked in the first place...

Well, I'm gonna wait until the 24h are over, then I'll try to contact them again (possibly on their forums, although I probably need to created another gmail account for that :rofl:).

For those who need confirmation, it is indeed blocked:
Now I look like some kind of criminal :(

also, I never use the same password twice, so the rest should be safe.
I just checked mine and it is safe *phew*.
I don't understand blocks from websites sometimes, like, my facebook account got blocked and even though I thoroughly read all their rules and other crap, and I hadn't made any infrictions, I still got blocked, and even though I tried to contact them they never replied.
Good news, got a reply from google this morning and my account is restored (check it with the link in my previous post) :yay:

Well, now I'm taking some actions so that if it happens again, I can at least still edit my google docs/sites.

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