Just a few rants.

Recently, I've been thinking about numerous things..parents, friends, abilities, maturity, a number of things, have been floating around in my head. Rants..rants..rants..there will be a lot of text. Why post them on GBAtemp? I have no idea. Maybe there will be a few words of encouragement, or something that'll make my day. For now, I just want to post a fresh list of things I can nitpick at, instead of wordpressing it(might as well copy and paste it), for now.. I could pretty much care less if anyone reads this or not, just include some mature comments. That and I'll get a friend to read it for kicks so..whatever..I guess. (Not like I have anything to lose :mellow: )

I'll start with introducing myself for no reason at all.
Current 'homeschooled' or home studies, where I have homework and do it at home at my own pace.
I'm 17, I'm (slightly..?) over weight, (if you want height/weight, look up a Charizard.) With weight and change in mind, I try to use some 10lb weights at night, and at least try to get a little in shape. I'd love to be taller, though. I'm a person who strives to be different/fun/weird, and at the moment I have only 1 actual friend/best friend. I am also balding, and with this beard, I look a.. 'tad'..bit..older than 17. Most of my days/time is spent on the computer playing games, editing sprites for RPGs/Rpgmaker2003, watching anime, listening to music (video games, animes), and chatting with my friend. I'm stupid/an idiot and I'm a slow person. (I can't actually run.) What else...Partially depressed, slightly depressing, apparently has mental issues, almost ended up taking anti depressants but didn't want to force being happy.

Also fairly perverted/tend to be dirty, sometimes I feel that I'm annoying, tend to try to add humor to serious situations, for example..if someone dies, you have to put on a smile and be happy...don't leave yourself in despair..cry it all out..and continue..move on. And I can care less about myself/genuinely cares for others. (Funny, since I use I's quite a bit.) I'm fairly mature, and I'm a good listener. IE, if you have any embarrassing problem, I will be all ears and do what I can to help. This includes the typical body image, IE the female breast, and male penis to problems like being abused by someone with pets in your apartment, when pets aren't allowed.

I'm pretty much who I am today because of games, because I practically didn't do any homework due to them. Animes add to it. I have a few goals of bettering myself, IE being more of a stern parent-y figure/authority..blah/etc.. I have the tendency to whine and complain about things, and nitpick. Also being more of a 'man', or learning to admit things. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Even when it comes to body image/parts. Quite an open person, I am. Open minded, too.

My eye sight isn't great, but I can be quite a detail whore. IE - picking out things that wouldn't normally be seen, like how women sometimes have clothes where you can see their nipples poking through their clothes. And being lazy is my specialty. I'm not going to finish this introduction because I'm lazy. I leave out a number of things because it's usually late and I don't want to take forever with everything.

That and there are many things I want to say about games and animes, and how that led to the will to continue living, and to enjoy life, and to look out for others, to be a team player.

Recent events...it starts after finishing Seto no Hanayome with a friend. For some reason, it made me want to be..well..more of a man..tougher, stronger, etc. Not physically, but also mentally and emotionally. It made me realize how much my family sucks. Basically, I spend more time with my pets than with my parents, and my family combined. Screw fears, I want beers. Growing up one stomp at a time..

The pet chain/incidents - When I think about parents..the things they've done..
I still recall one time where one of my dogs got out, I woke up because I had to go to the bathroom. I heard the door/gate open. The 'black' dog was out, and I went back to sleep thinking my parents would get her. I was wrong, and I feel naive. My parents didn't get her, she was hit by a car, lost an eye, and we couldn't even take her to the vet.

There's a bad history with pets for me..puppies that were born usually died not long after, 3 dogs I had before during Jr. High were taken away, found out they were gone when I returned home..lost another dog during one of my parent's parties, that one escaped through an open door/gate, like usual. The next set, a new black dog. Then there was a brown dog, who randomly appeared. Back up to 2 dogs, the black dog gave birth to some puppies, one or so died, and one lived. The brown dog seemed to have gotten sick, and a day later, he dissapeared. I kind of overheard my parents and there's a chance the dog was eaten. There's a bit more, but eh.

Basically, whenever my dogs get out, my parents ignore them and I have to run out and bring them back in. My parents also yell and hit the dogs from time to time. I do not, because I don't want them to hate or fear me. And, what really irks me is that, the dogs are practically family, and my parents don't even give a damn. Seems like what I feel when it comes down to the dogs isn't important.

Spiders and ghosts, oh my. -
Another memory...spiders..kept in small plastic sandwich bags..they'd scare me into doing homework back in the 2nd grade. Because of that, I could never face spiders properly, and had to face the fear over time..I was only able to touch empty spider webs. During that time they also scared me with ghosts, which made the backyard in that house feel creepy, and added to my fears. With the anime, I think I'm over my arachnophobia now. I've also gotten over the ghost bit, somewhat.
My parents led to some trauma, and anime is what helped me get over it. That and my mom usually says stuff like "spiders won't bite you" however I have encountered a number of poisonous spiders. (Black widows, and some spiders that led to guts/possibly venom when smashed with some random object.)

Up next on the list of things - The 'tard.
I can't call him my brother, and I do hold a grudge. Cutting back on words and swears, he's a living insult to everything. Hell, he stole $500 from my mom for an Xbox (360 - not exist yet) and at this point, my parents treat him like he did nothing wrong. He got away with it.

He stole my ps2 games and sold them because I was reclaiming the ps2 which was mine. He went over the line when he tried to claim my birthday present as his own..it was gamecube stuff, the only thing he had was the gamecube console. He tried to act snobby saying how he wanted to keep the gamecube in his room, when I looked up everything for pirating/etc. I even asked my two brothers for stuff. [Snot nosed brat - not counted as a brother]. I wanted to use the gamecube because..my brothers went through the trouble to get me everything for it, including some stuff I asked for. It was my birthday.

The dog event links to this event, because my mom gave me $100 for a ps2. It does not cover the void with the loss of my first beloved pets, but it does keep my mind away from it...or at least, it did. The tard pitched in with $30, an additional $30 for shadow hearts 1, which was either stolen or..stolen. That's all he really paid.

Plus...he has this idiot friend over constantly on weekends, and I never got to touch my ps2 for nearly a year, or at least half a year. If I moved it from his room to mine, he'd take it back not long after, meaning it would be pointless to continuously move it.

The PS2 games he stole, more than $100 used, ifnot $200. Even more so with swap magic and money used on trial dvds because I couldn't find the right type. He didn't pay a dime when it came to that. What's worse is, I was beyond patient with two PS2 games..Digimon World 4 and Rumble Arena 2, quite rare if not looking online, even more so for ps2 versions. I found them both at a gamestop several months later, and I didn't give up/lose interest, I just waited.

What makes matters worse is, some of the PS2 games were birthday gifts/gifts. Money I got on my 17th..or was it 16th..either way..birthday, was spent on a few games. One gift was a $25 gamestop gift card, too. The games I could kind of care less about, because what's really important is the fact that those were gifts..and for a special occasion..once a year..not always celebrated..

I only have 3 ps2 games left because of him, as well as he and his stupid "friend" spent so much time together that it ruined my ps2's laser. At the moment, I need to replace the laser in order to have a ps2 again. I could sound like a liar, but I wouldn't complain if I had caused it, because that means I would have actually gotten the chance to play my ps2.

It's funny, because he complains that I get everything. I was using a hand-me down TV until last year. I barely got a cellphone this year. In fact, as of now, I'm wearing a shirt with holes in it. Ragged shirts, but do I complain? No. I'm patient. I'm not like him. I still recall the time he tried to get me to sell my GBA SP, which I BEGGED my mom for.
And in total, we've had a total of 3 of every last-gen systems not counting handhelds, and he kept selling/trading them off for one another. If he waited, we'd have all 3. If he had died after some incident, I would have all 3 + the nextgen items as well as handhelds. Yes, I'm a selfish bastard.

In fact, recently, last year's Christmas. My harddrive died and I lost everything I did last year from when I first got my comp to, well, the end of the year. I had 2 harddrives in total. I had raws of Pokemon from season 1 to 25 episodes of 10, and even had Sonic X raws. I also had a number of things related to RPGs and OSTs that will be included later. And what did I do? I felt emotionally nulled for a day, but I picked up the pieces.
The tard lost a monitor and threw a temper tantrum when the family, minus myself, were having dinner in the kitchen. I can't help but laugh at him.

He buys random crap all the time and discards them eventually, while I use everything I have over time/randomly.
Violent, throws temper tantrums like a spoiled brat, slams stuff all the time, not safe. Plus back when I was in 6th grade, he was about to kill himself/suicide. Sadly, my dad got him to stop. I was used over the years, where the tard kept asking $20's from me. Somehow he got the idea that I owed him. I'm younger, yet I was providing for him. WTH, much?

What really pisses me off though is, nothing really bad happens to him. He does things, I do nothing, and things happen to me. I wish this was all a lie/made up, and if there is karma..why isn't it doing anything? Hell, yesterday a container that held some spaghetti sauce broke and spilled, so I had to spend 5~10+ minutes cleaning it up.

The 'tard I live with can do all sorts of things and get away with it. My parents treat him like nothing happened, while I still have to heal the scars/tend to the wounds. They don't even care anymore. When situations happen, my mom is usually saying "forget about it", and my dad just doesn't care. I even wanted to get a restraining order against the tard.
Doing bad things..yet gets treated like nothing happens..I'm supposed to learn something from my parents here..? I'm being shown that if I steal, I can get away with it.

Heck, while I'm at it..my two brothers, they almost never talk to me. The only conversations we have is when I'm told there's food, or being asked something. That or, I'm asking for something/I ask if they can buy me something (such as the ps2 laser). Occasionally/on Saturdays I ask for a ride to a park, because, 5 mile walk for me, 10 minute drive for them. The silence of the car. That's where I meet up with my only friend.

Which leads to.. friends...and..cats! -
Friends - they're often overlooked. What is a friend? Someone you can bond with. Many common likes/dislikes. You have some sort of bond. My parents usually tell me to go out and make friends, but, I can't do that if there's nothing in common. They just want me to make friends..and..well, when my mom told me one of her friends died, she didn't really show any sadness. With that as an example..

Back then, on Saturdays, before I started going to the park/hanging out with my friend/at his place, I used go to 'parties' (for the parents, at least) and..well..I was in a group of people. We had a small variety in terms of age, and there were usually 4 to 6 of us. I would usually be the oldest/the tough guy. I'd also look out for them when we went places. We had a number of things in common, and we'd talk about life and such. Not long after, one person dropped out, then another moved to Virginia, and now, the things we have in common just aren't the same.

I'm the only one who has a dedicated love for games, anime, and anime-game-jpn music. I was the one that didn't change. Because of the loss of the things that made us friends..as well as the fact that they started..well..dumbing down, I couldn't be with them any more. I mean...homework, for example..who cares about that, give up 30 minutes to an hour to listen to your friend's problem. Who cares about an A+? What's important, someone who could be your life long friend, someone you can rely on, or some random school stuff you WILL forget over the summer?

Before the group, my family moved so often that I could never really have friends. And the "friends" I did make were only temporary. We'd only hang out and bond rarely. Years pass..people forgotten..then comes MapleStory. About 1-2 years later, I ended up joining Bera, from Scania, with the people the 'tard knew. It was before the 'tard events picked up/got out of hand. I was pretty much depressed and nearly gave up on school. I sank my life into MapleStory and became a DK just for those people, because if anyone played MS, they'd eventually know how useful HB is. It was all for them..but it was pointless. I was blinded by stupidity.

Before I met them and after I met them..I sank countless hours into MS, I even ruined my overall health a bit. I did gain a bit out of MS, but it wasn't until last year that I met my best friend. We have a lot in common, with the exception that I'm 17 and he's 13, then again, I'm an overgrown child. We pretty much clicked, and then I quit, he was busy with school, and we didn't have a chance to talk until last year. And I 'dragged' him away from MS and led him to MSN. (The power of 1 letter! HAH!)

It's nice, because we always have time to chat. We always hear eachother's problems, offer our opinions and views, and even poke fun at the situations, and include support. I feel like an older brother, and occasionally a parent, to him. He made me know what a real friend is. I can say all these things about myself, and share the weirdest and embarrassing stories with him, and he won't make a big deal out of it. I guess it's because I'm comfortable around him. Rather..because we're used to each other, I can say the weirdest things.

We also do a number of things together, and have a blast. For example, when I was looking up some Sonic stuff, we eventually came to the idea of.. he's a Speed type, or Shadow the Hedgehog, and I'm a Power type, Vector the Crocodile. (Which then led to thoughts of a name change, and calling myself a lizard/gator, in particular cases, lazy gator and lazy lizard. He's also like a dog. In a weird way, it'd be like a wolf and a dragon. The irony in that is the Shining series, fast for him, slow for me.)

In recent events, we hit respective characters from Seto no Hanayome, which is quite funny and a bit ironic. He's Nagasumi, the main character, and he always gets hit by something at school, include long story here. That's only scratching the surface. I'd be placed with Gouzaburo, another long story here, and, well..we recently saw the cat episode, and well, on that Saturday, I started hating cats because he kept throwing one at me. I eventually ended up with a red line on the back of my left leg/hamstring, but I don't mind it. It's hard to get mad when having fun. Of course, I pretty much hate cats, especially since he put one on my back, and that made me remember the 'tard's kitten..I practically took care of it, and it left light scars, and reminds me of the random times that damned cat landed on my back and clawed into me to avoid falling. So to avoid getting one thrown at me, I run away. I wonder if that's fear. Oh well.

He uses a sword/dual swords, I use an axe~ Blah blah blah. We make a decent team.

But yes, it's great to be able to have something like that. The "friends" I 'had'...aren't anywhere near this level. In fact, as of now..less than 10 or so common interests if the group is combined, compared to Naga..err..my friend.

Friends..they can make a difference in your world. As corny as it is, as corny as it seems, it's something that people don't seem to really notice until it's either too late, or something.

Talents and Skills -
I do want to show some things to show what I've done/partial abilities, at least, in an artistic/maybe creative way, and it seems like it'd be bragging to some. But I suck. I'd post a few things, except..lazy..at this hour.. ahem..anyways, I've been thinking about what talents and skills I have..and what a talent/skill is.

The only thing I have is..I'm a fairly good thinker/has good ideas, creative, and loves details. I'm too stupid for things like programming, and I want to be involved with games somewhat when I'm older, and as far as it goes, it seems like art is the only direction.

That and, what makes a person 'good' at something? What makes it bad? What would lead to 'talent'? I'm curious...

My friend is working on an RPG project, and I'm helping with a few things, but I don't do much. He's got quite a bit done, while my side of my own RPG project isn't even anywhere near done. I lost my progress during Christmas, but I don't want to give up. Basically, we both do spriting, he has his set, he usually has some sort of base for his edits, and then something different to add to it.

Recently, I've tried to do something customized/new, which is a single Gouzaburo sprite. In fact, our sprites can't go together. Our styles are quite different, and I'm sad because base or no base, he has quite a bit done. Shadowsythe999 on youtube..in case anyone's interested. I usually help with music.

While I'm working on a Sonic RPG, it has many plans..many ideas..but needs a lot of work..and I want to do this on my own..but that's my issue..I'm a lazy person. It'll take forever..and with 'family issues'..I just have to keep at it.

Sooooooo.......yeah........that's all I have in store at the moment, because it's now morning..and I need sleep..and..I'm just a nobody. At least this gives me an introduction for something later. If I'm ever not lazy.
Guess everything's out of my system. Zzz.



Here's what I got:
-Home school'd
-I wanna be the guy
-Parents don't care for dogs like I do and as a result, they die
-Little shit of a brother fucks with everything but everything is always fine and dandy for him
-I have one friend
-I feel like I have no skills

1. To lose weight, do cardio! Running, jogging, even playing DDR.
2. Move the fuck out, avoid family, avoid problems!
3. Get mainstream school'd. What will you do in two-three years?
17 eh. Hmm in my world, well Canada at least, in one years time (might be sooner don't know your birthday) you will be 18.

Might get a job, might get your own place, might get a lot of things.

An education is useful, but there is lots of good work that doesn't require a lot of college eh. And even a basic job can get you enough of an income that you can own a bachelor's place.
Doesn't need to be a great place, just needs to be YOUR place. Allows you to have your own rules eh. Want porn on the walls, no problem (might deter the girls that you bring home though).
Speaking of girls, feel like bringing one home and screwing her all night long, hey as long as she wants to eh. Or you could just settle for enjoying jacking off with net porn and not need to care if you hide your porn at all (but again, might not impress any girls that drop by).

No parents, and that means your dog should be safe. No little brother, which means if you put a snack in the fridge, it will be there when you return for it eh.

All your problems sound meaningless when you consider in one year you can ditch them all if you like. Well that's the Canadian angle. You sound a bit oriental though with that dog comment. Zero chance of eating dog around here.

I joined the army when I was 17. Damn cool too. I was treated like a man, was expected to be a man, lived in a man's world.
Granted the guys in the Canadian army are being shot at in A-stan lately, but we get to shoot back finally (Peacekeeping has it's limits).

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