Holy crap 7 years

So it’s October 1st. Normally a day I don’t really pay attention to, except, a little glowing cake symbol alerted me to the fact that today’s my seventh anniversary on this site.

That’s pretty amazing.

When I first joined, I thought I’d just mostly lurk around the site. Maybe potentially keep watch on if that wild and crazy security that the newfangled 3DS had would ever be cracked in the next decade. And then I ended up getting involved with the community of GBAtemp, and finding myself logging in daily, looking forward to my little visits. Then, I found myself interested in posting news, and finding an incredibly fun hobby through that. Through all the news, reviews, and dad-blogs, years quickly passed. When I was at my lowest, it was the people here who picked me back up, after the hurricane, with so much camaraderie and caring that it still makes me cry. In all the time I’ve spent here, I’ve made incredible friends and found a niche that truly makes me happy. And all of that has come from the tight knit community that this site has. So thank you, everyone, for an amazing seven years, and for many more!
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When you start something you never know how it can impact your life.

I think we all started at this site not knowing what we were getting ourselves into.

Glad you're here. And thanks for all you do :)
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Hey, I may be one of the newest members, but I enjoy reading your articles, and I'm glad to have gotten to know some about you! Keep up the great work! :D
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Thank you for giving us interesting things to read Chary :)
Looking forward to another 7 years.
Isn’t it funny? We all start out looking to hack something and then we get sucked into the community :)
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Thank YOU, Charbar~

You've impacted my life a lot, as you know :)

Happy account anniversary!
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Reading this as the first thing this morning made me happy! ;-)

I'm still fairly new here and not all that familiar with people but I always enjoy reading your news and review posts, Chary! This community really is wonderful and you're doing a great job!

Thank you! c:
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That's crazy and awesome! Makes me wonder what i'll be doing when I've been here for 7 years (I'll try and get back to you on that)
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A sincere thank you to everything you do for us, Chary. It's only natural that we would want to support you, since you do a lot of work for us. For free, I might add! I'm happy you're here.
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Thanks for all your articles, Chary! I particularly love your dank April Fools ones, just way too funny

I'm looking forward to see what you think of next year ;)
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