Barack Obama Swearing

If you’ve ever read President Obama’s Dreams for my Father, good for you. I couldn’t get past the foreword.

I wish I had. Because today I discovered that there’s a fairly juicy little subplot in the book, involving one of Obama’s high school friends.

Ray, a fellow classmate of Obama’s, was also bi-racial, and also trying to define himself. But what set him apart was his colorful manner of self-expression. Ray cursed like a motherfucker.

This would all be snickerworthy enough, but it turns out that Obama actually read the audiobook version of Dreams For My Father.

And that means he read Ray’s quotes.

And that means you’re about to hear the President of United States using language that would finish Cheney off once and for all.

Warning, this is NSFW.

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The reason this is posted in blogs is because I can't use HTML in GOTC, so could a mod please move it there?


You don't need HTML to post MP3s.


The topic title is fairly misleading and will likely start some sort of argument. So just a heads up in advance, if that happens, people are going to be getting warned/etc. :teach:
Thanks, I'll keep that in mind for next time

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[quote name='Ace Gunman' post='1756943' date='Feb 6 2009, 12:46 PM']The topic title is fairly misleading and will likely start some sort of argument. So just a heads up in advance, if that happens, people are going to be getting warned/etc. :teach:[/quote]

How is it misleading though? He is swearing lol
[quote name='Ace Gunman' post='1756943' date='Feb 6 2009, 02:46 PM']The topic title is fairly misleading and will likely start some sort of argument. So just a heads up in advance, if that happens, people are going to be getting warned/etc. :teach:[/quote]

How is it misleading? I came in expecting audio of Obama using foul language, and that was what I received.

Oh, and +1 for not misleading, I expected to hear Obama say some cuss words, and thats what I got.
To both chuck and science, it's misleading in the fact that you come into this topic thinking "Oh snap, did President Obama start cussing out someone in a press conference?" or "Did President Obama go apeshit on some dude behind the scenes?". You don't expect it to be a routine reading from a story. A book on tape is a bit different from a Rod Blagojevich-style conversation swearfest.
[quote name='Ace Gunman' post='1756964' date='Feb 6 2009, 02:54 PM']To both chuck and science, it's misleading in the fact that you come into this topic thinking "Oh snap, did President Obama start cussing out someone in a press conference?" or "Did President Obama go apeshit on some dude behind the scenes?". You don't expect it to be a routine reading from a story. A book on tape is a bit different from a Rod Blagojevich-style conversation swearfest.[/quote]

lol, Maybe it's just you, I didnt come in expecting him cussing out someone.. nor did I expect him doing a reading from an audio book.

The only way I can possibly imagine this is misleading is if he left out a word such as

"Barack Obama Swearing In". Addressing whenever he was sworn into office.
HEY! At least it shows he's black by saying 'you motherfucker!' at someone. Come on now, even I have to admit I curse at G.W.Bush for ruining not fixing the economy during his reign.
[quote name='Canonbeat234' post='1756984' date='Feb 6 2009, 03:05 PM']Come on now, even I have to admit I curse at G.W.Bush for ruining not fixing the economy during his reign.[/quote]

Off Topic much, Not trying to start any wars here. You have your opinions, It'd be best to keep them to yourself, The thread is just for Obama cursing in an audiobook.
[quote name='Sstew' post='1756990' date='Feb 6 2009, 12:08 PM'][quote name='Canonbeat234' post='1756984' date='Feb 6 2009, 03:05 PM']Come on now, even I have to admit I curse at G.W.Bush for ruining not fixing the economy during his reign.[/quote]

Off Topic much, Not trying to start any wars here. You have your opinions, It'd be best to keep them to yourself, The thread is just for Obama cursing in an audiobook.

Yes I do unless it's serious; Obama is human like you and me. So of course he will course under the pressure of fixing the economy right now.

Important Person: Blah Blah Blah taxes, Blah Blah blah economy needs to be fix, blah blah blah unemployment rate is skyrocketing, blah blah blah need help president.
Obama: ...*moment of silence, takes a deep breathe* FUCK!!!
[quote name='Sstew' post='1756972' date='Feb 6 2009, 03:59 PM']lol, Maybe it's just you, I didnt come in expecting him cussing out someone.. nor did I expect him doing a reading from an audio book.

The only way I can possibly imagine this is misleading is if he left out a word such as

"Barack Obama Swearing In". Addressing whenever he was sworn into office.[/quote]
That's a fair point. I suppose it was an assumption on my part. Still, the point stands, lets not get off track. It is what it is, nothing more (not aimed at anyone in particular, by the way). :P
[quote name='Ace Gunman' post='1757015' date='Feb 6 2009, 01:19 PM'][quote name='Sstew' post='1756972' date='Feb 6 2009, 03:59 PM']lol, Maybe it's just you, I didnt come in expecting him cussing out someone.. nor did I expect him doing a reading from an audio book.

The only way I can possibly imagine this is misleading is if he left out a word such as

"Barack Obama Swearing In". Addressing whenever he was sworn into office.[/quote]
That's a fair point. I suppose it was an assumption on my part. Still, the point stands, lets not get off track. It is what it is, nothing more (not aimed at anyone in particular, by the way). :P

I agree! Listen to Ace! Comment about Obama swearing, not about his policies or his race or anything else. If not, I will close this thread myself!
A little misleading, but funny anyway. I kind of laughed. But all people that don't have English as their mother tongue think that the English countries are kind of wimpish for censuring their TV and making such a big deal of swearing.
Yeah I thought this was going to be about how he said he "screwed up" lately.
I also thought this wasn't serious enough to call it "swearing".
That is fracken unbelievable. Who gives a flying pig if he cursed? HE IS HUMAN! Some people really need to take words a little less seriously....
[quote name='Ace Gunman' post='1756964' date='Feb 6 2009, 01:54 PM']To both chuck and science, it's misleading in the fact that you come into this topic thinking "Oh snap, did President Obama start cussing out someone in a press conference?" or "Did President Obama go apeshit on some dude behind the scenes?". You don't expect it to be a routine reading from a story. A book on tape is a bit different from a Rod Blagojevich-style conversation swearfest.[/quote]
I thought it was like that when I clicked the topic. But I'm content with what I've just heard. :)

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    oh right diddy
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    i saw that from penguiz0's video
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    The video that I linked is more in depth. If you enjoy watching a one hour video.
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    good night btw
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    @SylverReZ like a hour long? that's a bit way too long but it depends, i have seem 1 hour long videos
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    its almost 11:30 pm and I should go to sleep c ya
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    @Xdqwerty, Goodnight
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    @Xdqwerty Goodnight
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    When you play it, don't burn the dinner or Link will go apeshit.
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    @K3Nv3 i don't give a shiet
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