I'm obsessed with flat earthers

Lately, I've been completely enthralled by the existence of people who genuinely believe the Earth is flat. Like, how are there seriously THIS many people who can't comprehend basic math and observation? It's seriously insane to me and I can't help but obsessively watch videos of these people trying to explain why they believe Earth is flat and I don't know why it's so intriguing. I guess just the scope of how large this group is has been something I simply can't wrap my mind around. Now it's my goal to meet one of these people in real life to disprove their terrible logic with elementary-level education. Which, this desire somewhat makes me think I'm being a jerk, but I'll also be potentially helping someone not look crazy in their future (If I could even convince them, which based on my "research," seems unlikely), so I'm fine with it. I don't know why this is a blog, but I felt weird about my obsession, so I thought I'd share, lol.
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If the earth was flat, wouldn't the easiest way to prove this be to, say, speak to people from the "theoretical" opposite end of the "make-believe" globe, based on where you live, and observe if the person on the other end is currently in Night when the Sun is at it's peak during their Midday?
A flat earth would mean that sunlight, s'long as the celestial body itself is "above the surface of the 'disk'" would cover the entirety of the "disk"...unless?!? Is the Sun also in on the conspiracy!? *Runs into my bunker and dons my foil hat*
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Lemme guess, it's either:
Godly Aliens

Who are holding a gigantic magnifying glass in the sky to focus it? >.>
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Sigh, people are so ****ing stupid these days.

Seriously how can the masses be so stupid as to not know believe the truth that we sit on top of FOUR ELEPHANTS, not just a turtle.

If the Earth sat only on top of a turtle we'd slide off and all the evidence I've personally gathered which will not be easily disproven shows it!

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Yeah. I'm calling it now. An intergalatic Turtle, supporting 4 intergalatic Elephants, supporting a disk(world) is much more believable then the prospect of the world being a globe.
I have been converted.
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They are the ones on the Turtle of course.

The Elephants are able to keep the Earth mostly stable while they stand on top of the Turtle like the legs of a table.

I did an experiment once, of course some fools denounced it because of their poor deluded understanding of physics.

The Elephants on the Turtle is the ONLY plausible theory that solves everything.
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@tech3475 Ah I understand now, couldn't be truer. I wonder what happens when the elephants die.
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@Subtle Demise

Don't think it was anything to do with IT, unless it was a "fear"?
However there was the "great guardian turtle Maturin" which was part of King's universe. (Dead now)
Yeah Maturin was in the novel It, but merely referenced through a vision. Featured more heavily in the Dark Tower series. Both turtles are based on real myths about turtles holding up the world.
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Doesn't suprise me.
Even more so when you consider the similarities between the names.
Pratchett = A'tuin
King = Maturin

A lot of pop-culture seems to be fairly entrenched in mythology, such as the 4 primordial beast of in the Chinese mythology which make appearances in:
Blue Dragon
Lost Kingdoms
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@Subtle Demise
The reason I believe so many flat-earthers refuse to budge is due to religious beliefs, namely the description of how the earth looked during creation in the Bible.
Not exactly, everything on the earth has own usage. Earth require to be flat and stationary to plan on it a plane flight, for build long roads. Because that's easier to do on a flat earth as a levels than on any 3d object. There's no point for earth to be a sphere.
That whole "four elephants on top of a turtle" theory is pure mallarky.

I have seen a single elephant step on top of a turtle once, it was not a beautiful sight. I don't even want to image what kind of damage 4 elephants would make, but my best guess is: not much more than 1 elephant already did.
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Just because something is "easier to do this way" doesn't mean that it is that way.
Take a football, take a pen, and draw a line around the circumference of the football and there you have a representation of how easy it Is to make a straight line over curvature.
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Couple this with the fact that the earth itself is so massive in comparison to us tiny mortals, the rate of "curvature" we observe, in and of itself, is so incrementally tiny that you'd need to be many many many times bigger then you are for buildings and the like to actually be affected by the shape of the planet, and last time I checked, I ain't seen no Giants/Titans and their supposed associated architecture.
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