Me, My Parents and Money.

So well, i pretty much was pissed the whole day bout this so i will just make a blog post.
So to start, back when i was like 12, when skylanders was the shit, i used to waste all my money on skylander figurines, which made my parents think, you cannot trust me any money, which they still think and do till today.

I use currently an LG G2, which we own since release, which is now over 5 years back. Its casing is pretty broken (a chunk of it is missing at a corner and you can now look into the phone) and i asked my parents if i am allowed to get a new phone, where they said no, since it is still useable.

Here comes the first time i got angry about money waste.

SO my parents told me that i wasnt allowed to get a new phone since its still useable. Okay, thats fine, yes. But my parents bought in the past 3 months 4 phones, not cause the old ones were unusable no, they just wanted a new one. I was thinking then, could i have one of the old ones, but yeah you can forget that. My parents rarely give my old phones from them (thats why my lg g2 is my 3rd phone i ever had).

That made me pretty angry, but this thing shoots the bird even more:

A few weeks ago, my parents asked me if i could just casually lend them 800€.
Think about it, EIGHT HUNDRED EUROS.
Thats not a small amount of money.

So i asked my brother how much money he has left of his 200€ if he could lend a bit too, he ofc told me why they wanted to lend 800€. He wanted to get the Note 9 for that fortnite skin, better said to preorder the phone.
I ofc said my parents that i wont lend them that money, since you know, i aint allowed to buy a new phone but my brother is allowed to buy a 1000€ phone without even having 1000€.

Then, which was a bit earlier, when we knew how much money i get in a month from this september on:

I will get monthly 250€ but am only allowed to use max 50€ a month, cause of the reason i wrote at the very beginning of this blog.
Here is what i am thinking:
My parents want me to get independent, but set strict rules how to use my money.
If they want me to get independent, why dont they allow me to use my money how i want to use it, and if i am out of it, it is my problem, since i got to learn how to use money. But my parents dont think about that, that i could use full money access as basically a lesson how i have to spend my money, as example, if my parents would now say that i gotta pay for my food, but i got full access to my bank account, i would firstly calculate how much money i have to at least waste for food and later, when i move out, tax bills and so on, and with the left over money, that i can save that, or buy something.

The hardest it hit me today tho. Nvidia made their RTX announcement, and since iw anted to upgrade my pc for a while now i thought i could get a 2070. Well guess what. My parents think this is a money waste.

I am not the only one in this family who wants a PC upgrade, my dad wants one too, so he should atleast know why i want it, but he was the one saying it to me.

I just went to him and told him, if he wants to upgrade his pc so bad but has no money left since he bought so many phones, its not my problem, he shouldn't have bought the phones.
But the one who should be complaining between me and my dad is me. Since its not my fault that i cannot upgrade, when money use is restricted for me. if i waste my money and cant get something i need, its my fault, like in my dads case.

tl;dr: My parents dont trust me with money since i wated lots of it when i was 12 and cause of thet restrict me from money use, want me to be independent but dont use it as a lesson by giving me full access to learn how to use it, but bought multiple phones since they wanted them
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Forgot to add: The 250€ i get are for learning my job, i had to apply for it, since the job i am learning is unpaid in the learning phase
While I can understand parents trying to control their kids spending, asking you for money as well as constantly buying new phones just seems like a double standard.

I don't know what you can do besides respectfully bring up your thoughts and feelings to them. If they consider your thoughts and change things, great! If they don't, there's really not much you can do besides deal with it, since you are living at home and still a minor (I assume, given the context of your post).

As a final note, it might be a good idea to develop a personal budget and savings plan for your job, then show it to your parents. Actions speak far louder than words. Show your parents that you are responsible with your money, and if they don't change their mind, be content that you are learning skills that will take you far in life.
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How old are you? Why can't you spend your own money? How do they stop you, do they own the bank account? Get your own account ASAP!!! As soon as you have a decent job get the heck out of there and move out. They sound like horrible controlling people, and hypocritical to boot - they are adults, they shouldn't have to borrow money from their children. That just shows they can't manage their own money! No way should they have control over yours! You have a right to be pissed off at them.
I am 16 years old. I cannot spend most of my money, since my bank account is under the control of my parents (aka i dont know the pin and so on) but the account is under my name and my signment, but till i am 18 i cannot open one, nor use my old one without the allowance of my parents. I am learning the job of a programmer starting this september, which is as stated above, unpaid and i had to apply at the state for something we call "Bafög" but i took the school one, which we dont have to pay back, and you only get it if your learning is school only. I have to learn atleast 3 years, while the first 2.5 years are paid with 250€ a month, except august, that month is unpaid since no school, and the other half year is working at a prechoosen company with normal payments (with taxes removed around 3000). While other jobs get paid around 800€ a month in the first year i normally wouldn't get paid at all for 2.5 years. Most of the money i save up goes for the 2nd and 3rd yeard for a one year bus ticket (which is funny thing, 250€ for each year) and then max 50€ a month and the rest my parents force me to save up for a driving licence and a car. But what if i wanna use just the bus, what if i want a house first before getting a car. thats what my parents ignore too
Your parents sound really annoying. Shame you still have a few years to go before you can have control of your own money :-( I was picturing you at 18 or 19.
It sounds like a great opportunity though - the internship learning to be a programmer, and starting so young that you have a really long career ahead of you (no wasted time on jobs you end up realising you don't like).
Just wait out the two years. I'm entirely familiar with this situation (my parents used to be similar until I turned 18 a few weeks ago).

Once you're 18, go to your bank, register your ID with the bank and then you're on your own.

I'd also suggest doing the math on bus costs vs. a driver's license and car. If you can prove to them that the drivers license is more expensive, then possibly you could get them to forget about it.

I do understand their reasoning of a car before you get a house though. Houses are really fucking expensive, and the only reasonable way to buy one is by borrowing money from the bank (and a big piece of advice: get a regular loan for that, not one of those loans where the bank owns the house, in case the economy collapses again).

For now, all I can tell you is to stand your ground and make sure of one thing: never lend money to family. Money can tear people apart, and I'd assume you'd prefer not to be that one family member that everyone owns sums of money to which they refuse to pay back (and legally forcing your hand will destroy relationships).
Im pretty good with money. my parents got me a credit card when i was 16. Discover card had this deal that allowed parents to get their kids a credit history before they are 18. I, unlike most noobs understood what a credit card actually is. I did not abuse it. when i turned 18 that account got converted to my account. I still have that account today.
Yeah I got my first bank account when I was 5, memorised account and BSB number when I was 6, still have the same one.
It sounds like your parents are concerned that you will spend money frivolously as they have, and are trying to prevent you from making the same mistakes as they have with money and poor choices on how to spend it.

I think it's generous of them to give you a stipened every month, but a bit controlling to only allow you to spend 50 of it on what you want.

My suggestion would be, freelance on the internet, and earn your own money, that way you have more independence from them. There's tons of stuff you can do to freelance and make money on the web, and the possbilities are endless. Open up your own paypal account (not sure on the age requirement of that?) so you can accept payment as a freelancer and start doing gigs.

Good luck, you only have 2 more years to go, and they will fly by very fast.

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  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    now THAT made me laugh.
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    I cant see it @Xdqwerty
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its cause you guys are kids, that joke went over your heads, sorry I don't know too many kids jokes.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Pay to chat on gbatemp in 2015
    Join date 2024
  • Nemesis90 @ Nemesis90:
    @Kirbydogs No different than now other than cultural differences. Forums have always had community drama and infamous users.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @K3Nv2 only reason why I said that was because 2015 seems for civil than 2024
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You must be new to the internet
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Imagine the tears if temp had downvotes
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Civil? I mean this isn't really a kids chatroom, you are supposed to 15+, which you admitted that you are not even.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's pretty common for one person thinking they can come in and just change an entire community that's older than them
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    Fair enough
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    We should take a breather, I guess we all got a little excited there.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Be glad some sites ban just because they don't like you
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its all cool. Much love to all. No more jokes from me today.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    People get it their heads or so attached that some sites are like second life's to them that's where they get over emotional over something that doesn't even matter just don't care what others say online
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    and it's friday we should all be uploading GIFs or I have another temper tantrum
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Almost October and it's still 95 out
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    this is a webp... from GIPHY. GIF-EE.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @K3Nv2 where are you, arizona?
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty I would appreciate if when you post a YouTube link/ picture you can provide context or a description
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty my browser doest let me see things at times
    S @ salazarcosplay: @Xdqwerty my browser doest let me see things at times