Transgender doesn't make sense

Can't people stop being Transgender?​

People say that sex and gender are two different things. And say gender is a social construct. So for someone to call themselves transgender, instead of transexual, doesn't that mean the transgender person can change their gender at will, to whatever gender they want since its a social construct. So my question is, why do they say they can't change who they are because they were born that way? Which goes against their own belief that gender is a social construct. And why does genderfluid exist as an option? Isn't it redundant since it's implied that gender is a construct that can be changed.

And doesn't the definition of Transgender say that they were born one sex but feel like the other gender. So the term "transgender" according to them isn't something you are born with, and isn't innate, its opposite of the way you were raised from birth, and there isn't something biologically there to make them feel like the other gender.

So how do they come to feel like the other gender? Did they just one day decided to choose to feel like a different gender just because? Did they do it too make themselves feel special? Just like teenagers that call themselves otherkin, wolfkin or dragonkin? And since gender is a social construct, it's something thats made up like all social constructs are. So why should we take something that's made up seriously? And is there some psychological depression going on that they want to make themselves feel unique and different? Maybe because they aren't being noticed? So they do it for attention?

Unless gender and sex are the same thing, and gender isn't a social construct, which means they can't change themselves. So my other question is, with all these 100+ genders, how can a doctor determine at birth whether or not a person is a Androgyne or a Demiboy? Is there any scientific facts a doctor can lean on to determine which one. And how does one transition from androgyne to a demiboy? Where they born with demiboy body parts but feel like a androgyne? Is there hormones they can take to transition to demiboy? If there is hardly scientific facts that demiboy exists, why should we take all these genders seriously?

There are people going through tribunal courts in Canada for misgendering people, since its now a crime punishable by law. In New York its punishable by law if you misgender someone, because you don't believe that all these genders (that have not much scientific backing) exists. And they want to incorporate this all around the U.S. So if we are going to change society, and punish people, with full backing of the law, then they are going to have to explain to us what this Gender business is all about. And prove they exist.
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@Lia That's where the problem really starts. How can you actually know if that person misgendered X on purpose?
On that front the ONLY appropriate response to misgendering someone is saying "sorry" and moving on. They would appreciate you not making a fuss about it since most likely they're just thinking "Crap, not this again/how do I deal". I guarantee you no trans person on this Earth would try to press charges, unless it was some extreme case of you doing it hatefully & deliberately.
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@dAVID_ its pretty obvious. Us trans people are used to being misgendered day in and day out, either by accident or on purpose as harassment. I haven't even heard about this misgendering law and im a trans person that LIVES in Canada. I doubt its as big of a deal as some people are making it seem, but anyways....
To get back to your question, it's pretty obvious when someone misgenders you with the purpose of being a total dick. Its connotations. "He's SO tall" and "HES so tall" have different emphasis. I don't really know how else to explain it, lol

"Have you seen (name)? She got a new haircut!"
"You mean HE, got a new haircut. That freak tries so hard."
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Your arguments might be valid, but they are totally out of place for GBATemp.

This kind of discussions are more apropriate for a site where sexual diversity is the main theme. But (even if this is not relevant for me to argument about), I don't know of such site.

Even so and still, this discussion is totally out of place, for a site like this.

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I tend to operate with
Sex = what your genetics and clearly observable genitals say initially, though you can make enough effort (and surgery and hormones and all that jazz) to change it should you so desire.
Gender = what your head reckons it is. You have two choices, though you may more strongly go with one or the other and there is some kind of indifference/neutral line. Similarly it correlates with various behaviours but a bit more on that later.

I too find the notion that your head reckons it is another to be bizarre, even more so actually giving a shit about such a thing, but then again I find a lot of human behaviours to be bizarre but such things are often observable and have predictable patterns. The fact remains though it appears to be the case here and it appears that allowing people to change (which is a process that necessarily involves a lot of talking with an appropriate medic, hormones, lifestyle adjustments and likely surgery somewhere along the line) has some clinically demonstrable benefit, similarly forcing the opposite as it were or forcibly ignoring things can and often is a negative*. Psychiatry tends to define mental illness with phrases like [illness] is [list of symptoms and associated behaviours] causing distress or potentially harming themselves or others and this would happily fall into that. This may change in the future and there could be some kind of pill** or brain scan/treatment to effect changes to either negate symptoms or fully tweak the whole body but that is just sci fi at this point.

The point of manifestation of such thoughts and feelings may well vary and is a long discussion in and of itself. There could be those that know from birth, there could be those that only learn of the concept later in life, there could be those that arrive at the decision long after maturity.

*interesting cases being things like circumcision going wrong and then being raised as a girl instead.

**possibly giving the choice between having them happily conform to their sex or transitioning to another, maybe a third choice of making them not give a shit. Not a trivial choice from where I sit but I imagine two of those would generate much screeching from certain sets. Sadly not even a terribly meaty one like another favourite of prenatal autism test, not to mention there being many such people living happy lives and better yet offering serious contributions to some of the more hardcore areas of maths and science.

The social construct stuff is an adjunct discussion at best, and possibly a stupid one depending upon the position the person arguing it starts from. I have no great desire to go into the full scope of the idiocy there but as a quick summary there are some individuals (usually falling under the label of post modernist, not that it is a very helpful search term and in fact is rather broad) that would contend all gender roles are a complete fabrication of society. This ignoring fundamental aspects of biology, people raised in isolation, tests on babies ( ), such things then evolving time and time again in parallel in human societies that were isolated, things observed in individuals suffering damage to various organs... basically reality itself is ignored. Some will also take it further and use such "logic" to contemplate the idea of race but I will save that flame war for another thread (consider it an invitation).

In this I can ignore chromosomal abberations, various flavours of intersex individuals and so forth. All conditions worthy of compassion, study and treatment, however clearly not even a significant fraction* of the concepts the OP is talking about and most people would understand the concept.

*the curious cases of various female sport stars over the decades maybe hinting at a higher level but that shall remain a mystery for the time being.

As far as allowing children to do things gets tricky from where I sit. Many of the things are permanent and in many cases irreversible, however at the same time do aid significantly in final results if done when young (if you don't go through puberty and all that, or have hormones enough to go through the other style). For this I will probably go with outside my expertise as far as hard answers. Obviously I would expect it to come as some of outcomes and risk-benefit analysis like most other medical decisions.

Laws to prosecute people for misgendering people, even those of the intentionally or with intent to wound persuasion. Utter fucking dumb cunt bollocks. No other way of putting that one.

Speaking of utter dumb cunt bollocks I am going to call out Old and those following similar lines of posting logic. Help people understand concepts rather than crying bigot. Far better approach to the world that.

In case it was not already obvious I find the [number] of genders discussion to be nonsense, and were it to go widespread I reckon it would serve to undermine a useful concept in language. I present for the consideration of the thread the following video
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^The video you just posted tells us all we need to know about your 'mindset', or utter lack of, in this case. How hateful and sad. Did you really just post a 'count dankula' alt-right trash video in hopes of driving some sort of point home? Frog memes, drumpf imagery, and (LOL) an Alex Jones endorsement at the end? And I'm the "dumb cunt"?

...and you're a staff member here, yeah? Yikes.
Gender itself is not the social construct, that's where people are getting it wrong. Gender expression and gender roles are social construct and those are part of gender identity, but they are not what make a gender. Being trans isn't a social construct and study show that the brain of a trans individual closely matches the brain of their identity gender, showing the biological factor that causes someone to be trans. This is also why gender and sex aren't the same, your sex doesn't actually define how your brain is structured.
It's also not a "feeling" like most people make it sound like, that's just a simplistic manor of explaining something far more complex. It's actually just the same knowledge that a cisgender person has about their own body and gender, basically how you know your gender is the same as how we know our gender. We simply know our own gender because that's just how our brains are structured and there's really no choice in the matter, unless we chose to ignore it and that is a horrible experience.

The medical nor scientific feild is going to be able to determine gender nor even sexuality at birth. Which is honestly why people need to stop worrying so much about it and just let people grow into who they are and adjust as they go along. What we need is understanding and cooperation, no one magically becomes trans, it's normally a progression of understanding oneself as their life move forward, just most of time ends up suppressed because of social factors. Basically it's not the doctor's job to determine gender, just report the defined sex, which people really need to stop putting so much weight on. Gender should be something determined later on in life, not at birth.

Honestly I don't think it should be against the law to deliberately misgender someone, but I can see why the laws exists. There are people who do deliberately expose trans people in an attempt to get them hurt, which is the crime of inciting violence. But that is a very hard case to prove until something actually happen, which is often too late. So the thought process behind the law is prevent such cases from happening. So their hearts are in the right place, they are trying to protect innocent people, but the approach is just wrong. What people really need is education and understanding.
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I dont like to argue in blog comments because the formatting is messed up and its not very pleasant to navigate replies. However I'd just like to say I totally agree with Lilith's points here, not much more for me to say.
What a f*troll, the guy admits he knows nothing, yet makes claim. STFU lol and die.

It's supposed to be this: If you have a cock, you're a guy.
If you have a pussy, you're a girl.
Why do people have overcomplicate such simple things?
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This post is more begging the question than legitimate inquiry. Maybe instead of posting here you should post to r/changemymind. You clearly have you mind set and want to argue with someone/many people, though it's clear you probably won't listen to what anyone has to say. I haven't read through the miasma that is the comments sections, given how blog post is cesspit, but may do so later.

The distinction that sex and gender are different things is a semantics argument based on society's reference to sex as genitals. So to differentiate things in speech, sex and gender are referred to as two different terms. The practice is admittedly flawed as sex itself is a complex set of components comprising of an entire body, not something easily summed up by means of genitals.

I'm not sure anyone says gender is a social construct anymore. Or they may, but again, it's a semantics thing, where accurately it would be "expected gender expression is a social construct."Long hair, nail length, make up, nail polish, short hair, facial hair, clothing, hobbies, that's all socially constructed. See the the differences in baby clothes in stores. Frills, pinks, blues, pretty things, sporty things. A baby can't display a preference; parents start buying stereotyoed gendered clothing and toys based on an image in an ultrasound. That's the social construct. Then you go further with people saying boy's need father figures and boy scouts to learn to be men; girls need mother figures, home economics lessons, etc. to learn to be women.. not so biological, huh?

Genderfluid is not 'an option,' but a way of being. Perhaps confusing or mixing gender expression and identity, but I'm not about to get into that. Would genderfluid people exist if society did not have rigid gender roles? Who knows.

The brain is under development the longest of all body parts/organs in a fetus, with different parts of it developing at different times and rates. Transgender people are really simply intersex people, as the brain is a sexually developed organ itself, molded by exposure to different hormones. Which is how you get trans people, including androgynous or genderfluid people. If the brain is exposed to high levels of estrogen at some parts in development and high levels of testosterone at other times, you'll get a mixed brain; genderfluid, genderqueer, androgynous, etc., people. Hormone levels during a pregnancy aren't guaranteed to reflect genitals or chromosomes. It's all biological. Fun fact: chromosomes only decide development of the gonads. Hormones are the name of the game.

While I believe myself that there are an excessive amount of terms to describe one's gender, the issue is propagated by society itself, needing to define every little difference. Pray tell, do you complain there are too many species, too many restaurants brands, too many car brands and models? By defining "man" and "woman," the need is created to define those who don't fit. Because man/woman is insufficient.

There's plenty of scientific backing. One GBATemp user once compared transgender people and the topic of it as flat earthers - the current modern ones - not realizing the irony of that . Anti-trans people are the flat earthers of old. When everybody thought the earth was flat, the sun revolved around the earth, and people had light come out of their eyes at night. Of course we know today they were wrong, but that was basic common knowledge back then and anything else was a crazy proposition. Galileo Galilei had less scientific evidence then than we do now of trans people's brain structures, and yet transphobes still hold steadfast to their ignorant beliefs.

Studies of brain structure, different structures, of boys who were born with inside-out organs who were surgically amended as girls then later identified as boys, rat's affected sexual behaviour... there's plenty of proof. Whether you accept it is a wholly different issue.

I'd want sources of people in tribunals for misgendering people, but with recent changes to hate crimes law in Canada, repetitive and purposeful misgendering is harassment (has always been, just legally recognized now). A hate crime. And if they are finally being taken to charge for it, good.
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YES, it's like girls feel that they have more masculine traits, so then they go and chop off their boobs and get a ween because they feel that they're a guy, but like, what traits define a guy because if they say masculine things, then that's conforming to gender roles. Like a person can like whatever they want and they don't have to change who they are because they like something that people would consider abnormal for their sex.
I think this blog post has hit a important nerve with some people, people that kinda just "put up" with the fact that "gender a spectrum" and "oy m8 misgendering me? gotta go to jail m8" but are scared to say their opinion for fear of being a sort of "outcast." Your average Joe who surfs the internet doesn't want to be labeled a "homophobe" or "transphobe", so they keep their mouth shut. This really goes towards the idea of transgender people, and people apart of the "LGBTQ++++ association" beyond reproach. They use label tactics to silence LEGIT criticisms of their community.

Take @Old for example. I don't know if he is apart of the LGBTQ++++ establishment but let's say he isn't, just for sake of fairness. He says to EVERYBODY talking about this subject with ANY amount of skectisism about transgender people being just less than perfect angels on earth, or that the idea of gender and sex being even talked about as "homophobic", and "transphobic", or anything else. He says how "ignorant" some people are.

But yeah, that's all for me, as I don't see the idea of voicing my opinion about transgender on a vidya gaming site
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Here is what I identify as, pls respect it.

Ever since I was in the form of blueprints, it was my dream to crush the Allied navies in the name of Adolf Hitler. I got to do this partially in the battle of Denmark Strait by destroying the oppressive HMS Hood, but the oppressive Allied nations put an end to my freedom.

Shortly after the battle of Denmark Strait, I woke up decades later in a human body, but whenever I tell anyone about who l am, they always tell me I'm making it up. it triggers me so much. l am also very pleased with my body, but if people ask how much I weigh, I will always say how much I weighed in my true form, which was 41,700 tons, and they keep body shaming me for saying such things.
Nobody understands my pain. They view me as a fascist Nazi boat who should be feared. They don't remember how I gave my life in my previous form to save my escort Cruiser, the Prinz Eugen. Everyone gets so judgmental over the smallest things.

Sorry there is a lot of text, I just felt like I needed to get this off my hull. Thank you for all being so understanding that I didn't make my identity up one night when I got bored.
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I don't think you understand the concept of social construct or of gender being the social/psychological aspect of masculine/feminine/other identity. Yes they are able to be fluid in nature however it's rarely manifested in individuals that way but they do have (gender fluid) as a classification.

also this isn't something that needs to be understood so much as either respected or just downright ignored as it doesn't actually affect you in your daily life outside being confused that other's think differently than you do.
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  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    now THAT made me laugh.
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    I cant see it @Xdqwerty
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its cause you guys are kids, that joke went over your heads, sorry I don't know too many kids jokes.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Pay to chat on gbatemp in 2015
    Join date 2024
  • Nemesis90 @ Nemesis90:
    @Kirbydogs No different than now other than cultural differences. Forums have always had community drama and infamous users.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @K3Nv2 only reason why I said that was because 2015 seems for civil than 2024
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    You must be new to the internet
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Imagine the tears if temp had downvotes
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Civil? I mean this isn't really a kids chatroom, you are supposed to 15+, which you admitted that you are not even.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's pretty common for one person thinking they can come in and just change an entire community that's older than them
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    Fair enough
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    We should take a breather, I guess we all got a little excited there.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Be glad some sites ban just because they don't like you
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its all cool. Much love to all. No more jokes from me today.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    People get it their heads or so attached that some sites are like second life's to them that's where they get over emotional over something that doesn't even matter just don't care what others say online
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    and it's friday we should all be uploading GIFs or I have another temper tantrum
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Almost October and it's still 95 out
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    this is a webp... from GIPHY. GIF-EE.
  • Kirbydogs @ Kirbydogs:
    @K3Nv2 where are you, arizona?
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty I would appreciate if when you post a YouTube link/ picture you can provide context or a description
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    @Xdqwerty my browser doest let me see things at times
    S @ salazarcosplay: @Xdqwerty my browser doest let me see things at times