that was fun

be me.
have to go to small shop to buy some crackers for the tuna salad i'll be eating.
i put on sandles, too lazy to put on shoes.
everything goes fine on the way there, buy the crackers, get the change.
walk home on the same route.
suddenly see female dog barking.
decide not to pay much attention, keep walking.
dog suddenly starts slowly walking towards me.
anxiously stare at it.
i notice: she's showing her teeth.
inmediately i realize she wanted to take a bit out of my leg.
start running, adrenaline kicks in.
drop sandles in order to run correctly.
stop, catch breath.
look behind, there is no dog.
take an alternate route home.

That's how I got chased down by a dog today. Looking back it was pretty fun.


Fair enough. I honestly can't imagine I'd be that observant if I was being chased, myself
I wasn't directly beside it.
The dog was on the sidewalk, I was walking by the street.
Perfect excuse to punch something in the face, i.e., the owner of the dog.

Work on building a menacing aura


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