I'm leaving the Temp

So, I'm leaving the temp, I don't think it's helping me, helping me Grow, I'll still be on Discord, Debating on whether getting off of GBAtemp discord though.

So Yeah, I doubt any of you care, but I'm leaving and thought anyone who might care know.

I need someone to take over my Switch thread, so, I was hoping @TotalInsanity4 , or a mod might take over.

Most of you have been pretty Chill, Mostly Great people(as long as you stay out of ReSwitch)

So, Good Bye, adieu, Farewell, if you need me, I'm on Discord.
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well, i don't know what to say, but i sure hope everything is going well with ya, and wish ya good luck
I waste time on here, it doesn't help me, I just don't get enough done.

@Chary Don't say that, because now I will comeback Dx

@migles Thanks


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