Idiots at school

There was this group of 3 girls sitting close to me. They kept yelling at me and telling me random shit. They did this for the entire hour of class.

What I said: Look, I don't care

What I wanted to say: Fucken shut up, you're all wasting everyone's time. You guys are stupid, I have seen your grades and the way you acted in previous years. So shut the fuck up
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@VinLark I'm not really the type to do that
@GhostLatte no
@WeedZ I feel bad for your little brother
Adding onto my original comment, you probably look like a social outcast to them. To gain friends, you have to talk. I find talking fun, maybe you don't and that's okay. People come and go but you will miss these interactions when you are older.
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This was a pretty great chance and you blew it, consider yourself lucky if they still share the same feelings towards you
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I was implying that some of the girls were already working as a wingman. So he's guaranteed to hookup with one. But hey, we're always just two more people away from a threesome.
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