Goodbye Charlie, we will miss you.

On July 25, 2017 at 5:25 PM CT, my dog Charlie "Bean" Dorch finally was put to rest after a year of battling heart failure. This dog had the strongest will I've ever seen. She had survived some very tough things in her life. I can happily say she is no longer gasping for air, and is finally asleep.
Thank you for everyone who prayed for my sister all this time. It means the world to our family.
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Charlie, you will be missed.
We love you,​
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Be strong, things like this happen.
Be glad you were able to give her such a wonderful life, no matter how short it was.
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Good night, little Charlie. Though I did not meet her, I still hope she finds peace in where ever she finds herself.

Stay strong, man. Death is hard, but at least you gave a a great life and she gave you so many great memories
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Don't worry, she is definitely in doggy heaven. Who knows, maybe she and my pup Molly met and are playing together as we speak.
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Good luck Charlie. You've been immortalized on this website for as long as the internet exists and even if we do forget about you, your paw prints will forever mark upon the code of this humble website as a sort of memorial.
Have fun in puppy heaven.
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