Graduation, acceptance, and nervousness.

So yesterday, I graduated :toot:. I am now in High School.

But the better news is, today, I asked a girl out who I had a crush on, she said yes!! I was so happy. The only thing that makes me sad is that we're going to different high schools. I can still contact her and arrange meet ups, but yeah.

Now, I need to go to summer school. I only get this weekend off, then I go straight to summer school. I'm so nervous. I'm gonna miss my elementary/middle school, I have been there for 9 years, and today was the last day I got to attend it. Oh well.

Cya guys later!
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@EthanAddict I actually don't know, I'm planning to challenge out of high school and go to collage, and I'm gonna take some collage classes over the summer, So I'm not too sure
you stupid, why you searched in english, search it in portuguese >: (
also i don't give a fuck for college or university i don't plan to go one
@BlueFox gui, I can only speak for the UK, but over here college is where you go (first) to complete your A-levels. After you've got them, you then go to Uni where you can get your degree, then move on to find a job somewhere after that.

Anyway, on-topic: Congrats, Dionicio! Hope you have fun being part of the 10% of tempers with a love life, whilst us remaining 90% continue to be riddled with jealousy at our PCs all day long! :ohnoes:
@BlueFox gui well sorrrrrrry, and you should REALLY go to collage, there is no point in not going to one
@BlueFox gui, yes and no.
Yes, because you now have to stay in education until you are 18 in the UK so you wouldn't have much of a choice, and no because there are the other options of sixth form, or an apprenticeship.
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@BlueFox gui So you can get an education and a good job

and be less of an ignorant twat

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